Chapter 011

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Chapter 011: Chasing Time

As the car pulled up outside what seemed to be a huge Air BnB? Either way, it confused Kioshi even more than she had already been. It looked to be three stories and even had a huge garage but Techno parked outside for some reason. Kioshi confusedly stepped out of the car and Techno made his way over to her, offering his arm to her. She laughed lightly and interlocked her arm with his as they made their way to the house.

Techno opened the door, Kioshi wondering why it had been left unlocked when it was clear there was nobody in the house, and they walked into the completely dark living room.

"Oh, can you turn on the lights?" Techno asked and Kioshi patted the wall, trying to find where the light switch was. When she found it she switched it on and turned around, just for all her life to be scared out of her when all of her friends jumped from behind furniture (she was even pretty sure she saw Ranboo come out of the closet and Jack Manifold come out the fridge) and yell, some saying "Welcome Kioshi!" some just incoherently screaming, and Tubbo who said "Happy Birthday!" despite it not being her birthday.

Kioshi gasped and covered her mouth in surprise, confetti flying everywhere. There were balloons everywhere, on the ceiling and the floor, party streamers, games, and more decorations. There was even a fake rainbow(I typed ranboo instead of rainbow) Christmas tree. At once everyone ran towards Kioshi, surrounding her and Techno into a group hug.

A few tears of happiness slipped down Kioshi's cheek and Niki who was closest to her noticed.

"Aw no don't cry Sushi!" She said as everyone disperse from the group hug but still circled around Kioshi.

"Happy" She said softly, and not even a second later the group busted into cheers.

"Woah did she just speak?!" Tubbo asked

"Kioshi is popping off lets go!!" George said and as soon as Kioshi recognized his voice she gasped and turned towards him, immediately wrapping him into a hug. George laughed and hugged her back.

"Lets get the party started!!" Quackity yelled and people yelled, immediately dispersing about.

Kioshi made her way around to say hi to everyone.

First, she wanted to find Ranboo, which shouldn't be hard since he was the tallest. Looking around she found the familiar tuff of fluffy hair and made her way to it.

"Kioshi!" he greeted, waving at the girl who smiled and waved back. Kioshi signaled for him to bend slightly and he did, laughing slightly as the girl ruffled his hair. "Oh! Check this out!" he said before he began signing "My name... R-a-n-b-o-o" He signed and Kioshi gasped and clapped.

"Thank you, thank you," He said while bowing and Kioshi laughed softly. "Oh, I think your friends uhh... Maeve... Silas and the mean one were looking for you" Ranboo said and Kioshi smiled and nodded going off to find them.

When she found Maeve she and Tommy were arguing, despite Tommy not really knowing what she was signing...

Kioshi got closer to the scene to see what was happening.

"Oh oh do not sign that at me! I don't even know what that means but it looks mean!" Tommy exclaimed jokingly. When Kioshi looked at Maeve she was just signing the lyrics to "Fergalicious" very poetically. Kioshi burst into a fit of laughter and Tommy turned to look at her confusedly.

"What's funny?" Tommy asked and Kioshi just shook her head.

"Oh, Kioshi! By the way, is it okay if we invite a couple of friends? Just to help the language barrier?" Maeve asked

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