Chapter 007

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Chapter 007: The Moment Has Arrived

The day had come. The day was here; and saying Techno was excited was, to say the least, he had hardly been able to sleep the night before and got up early in the morning, waiting for 10:45 am to show on his phone.

As soon as it did he got up and headed to Kioshi's house, since Mr.Saito was picking her up but Techno wanted to see her first thing he offered him a ride, and Techno didn't refuse. It was a five-minute walk to Kioshi's house, well it's more of a seven-minute walk but Techno was walking fast.

Techno reached the house as soon as Mr.Saito was locking the door back, scaring him when he turned around.

"I'm gonna put a bell on you if you sneak up on me again." Mr.Saito grumbled, making Techno chuckle a bit.

They got into the car, Mr.Saito driving of course, and Techno in the passenger seat. As they headed to the train station Techno's leg tapped nervously. It would be the first time he was seeing Kioshi in four months, and when they left things last time there wasn't really a set label or anything for them.

Techno had never asked Kioshi to date him, nor did she ask him, though he wanted to and confessed that he liked her. His feeling had only grown in their time apart, and he had no doubts that they had festered into love.

He had decided he would confess or ask at the Christmas party. It was completely a surprise for Kioshi, and Niki and Wilbur spent so much time planning the party and getting people to fly from the UK just for it.

"Oh, I forgot I can talk to you." Mr.Saito said suddenly, pulling Techno out of his thoughts.

"Pardon?" Techno asked, eyebrows furrowing in confusion and curiosity.

"Normally I drive Kioshi around, so while I can talk to her I don't normally do since she can't reply back, because you know I have to focus on the road not read her hands." Mr.Saito explained and Techno nodded understandingly.

"Your leg is going faster than the car over there. Are you nervous?" Mr.Saito asked, only slightly teasing the boy.

"Will it sound ridiculous if I say yes?" Techno asked in more of a rhetorical way.

"Well, Kinda" Mr.Saito answered honestly "You two spent all summer getting close, practicing became joint at the hip, have done everything you could to keep in contact these last four months, and all she's been talking about was seeing you again."

"Wait really?" Techno asked, focusing on the last statement.

"Well, yea. She gets one video call home every Sunday and every time she talks to me it's always to ask if I've seen you if I knew if you received her letters or not, and how you seemed. Acting as though you and I were best friends and I knew every detail about your life" Mr.Saito replied.

Techno smiled softly to himself and looked down at his hands in his lap. Most of his nerves had calmed and excitement almost completely took over.

When Mr.Saito pulled into the train station he told Techno to go ahead while he found a place to park and Techno practically jumped out of the car, making sure to grab the bouquet he brought with him.

He walked into the enclosed platform, lots of people bustling around, and chatter filling his ears. A thousand thoughts raced through his mind as he wondered how things would be.

'She said she was taking speech therapy, and she said bye when we departed last, I wonder if she's gotten any better and if she'll speak to me.'

'Her hair seems to have gotten longer in the pictures she's sent, and I know she's not allowed to dye her hair at school so her roots are pretty noticeable, I hope she doesn't dye her hair again. Though she's beautiful anyway.'

Techno's thoughts were cut short when a train pulled into the station. '"362" It read, it was Kioshi's train.

Soon the train doors opened and the already crowded station was filling up more and more. Crowds of people were coming from the train.

Techno nervous readjusted his grip on the flowers as he scanned the crows, looking for the familiar sight of purple hair. Being as tall as he was he could easily see over most of the sea of people, and Kioshi's purple hair was hard to miss, but he still hadn't laid eyes on her yet.

Techno began to move through the crowd to get a better view, bumping arms with a few people and trying to keep the bouquet as close to him as possible so as to not damage it.

"Kioshiii" Techno called out, slightly dragging out the "i".

"Kioshiii" He called again, this time seeing a purple and brown head of hair bobbing up and down from the sea of people.

"Kioshi?" He asked as he started pushing toward the jumping person.

As he got closer he made eye contact with Kioshi and a smile involuntarily broke out on his face as he started racing, pushing through people to reach her.

Kioshi smiled and started moving towards him as well, continuously jumping every few seconds to make sure she was going the right way.

As soon as Techno and Kioshi came just several feet from each other they ran towards each other, colliding with each other as they wrapped their arms around the other, Kioshi burying her head in Techno's chest and Techno resting his head on top of hers, his glasses pushing up away from his face a bit.

"I missed you" Techno confessed in a hushed voice, bringing Kioshi closer to him.

"Me...too" Kioshi said softly, a light blush forming on her face.

Techno's eyes shot open wide as he pushed Kioshi away, holding her at arm's length so he could look at her face, mouth agape.

"You're really talking" He muttered in disbelief and Kioshi giggled, her face turning bright red.

"on-only a bit" She whispered, averting her gaze to the floor. Techno hooked his finger under her chin and gently made her look toward him.

"Amazing" He whispered, making Kioshi's face turn deep red as she pulled him back into a hug, squeezing tightly.

Mr.Saito stood to the side awkwardly, not knowing whether or not to address that they've been oblivious to his presence for the past five minutes.

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