Chapter 016

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Chapter 016: The Sky Gets Quiet Before a Storm

"You should take a picture in front of your sandman!" Kioshi encouraged Ranboo and Tubbo.

"Yea!" Tubbo exclaimed, handing Kioshi his phone and going to pose in front of the Sandman.

"Are you sure this isn't gonna be some elaborate way to get back at us for winning?" Ranboo asked jokingly skeptical.

Kioshi just smiled and shrugged before urging Ranboo to pose with Tubbo. Ranboo went and posed beside Tubbo and the sandman, who they named Pops, throwing up a peace sign and bending slightly to lower his height some.

Kioshi held Tubbo's phone up to take a picture, before making a motion with her hand for them to back up a bit. They backed up slightly and Kioshi did it again so they backed up more. She did it one more time and as Tubbo backed up more he tripped over the sandman, trying to grab onto Ranboo for balance but ultimately taking him down.

Kioshi dissolved into a fit of laughter, eventually clutching her stomach and kneeling over. This caught the attention of a few people in the group including Techno as they walked over.

"You planned this all along didn't you!" Ranboo exclaimed through laughter while he stood up, trying to get as much sand off of him as he could.

"Lmao get wrecked nerds" Techno said watching the scene.

"Hey guys we've been out here for a while, why don't we go to a cafe or something?" Niki suggested.

"I'm driving! Last one there is a loser!" Dream exclaimed taking off towards one of the rental cars.

"Wait!" Sapnap exclaimed taking off after him.

Karl giggled and ran off too, exclaiming "lets goooo!"

"Oh my god I'm stuck with these idiots" George said walking after him.

"I'll drive the other rental car, Tommy you're with me" Wilbur said grabbing the keys

"I'll come with you," Niki said, "How are we gonna know which one to go to?"

"Karl messaged me which one they're going to so just follow me" Quackity said.

"I'll go with Big Q!" Tubbo announced.

"Kioshi and I will ride in my car," Techno said "Ranboo you're welcome to join"

"Alright" Ranboo said walking over to Kioshi and Techno.

"We should probably go now Dream has left" Niki pointed out and everyone looked over to see that he definitely had.

They bid the five girls goodbye before they all got into their respective cars, and headed toward the cafe. When they arrived Dream was already there with the three other boys. They all got out and sat at the tables that were scattered outside the cafe. Kioshi and Techno sat with George and Dream.

"I want a bagel" George said, rubbing his eyes a bit.

"You should get a coffee too since you decided to fall asleep in the car" Dream teased the boy.

"I want hot chocolate" Kioshi commented.

"Kioshi says she wants hot chocolate" Techno interpreted

"I think I'll get that too" Dream said offering Kioshi a smile.

"Is it a double date over here?" Wilbur teased pulling up a chair beside George.

"Nope only two of us are actually dating" Dream joked gesturing between him and George.

"Well that just simply isn't true," Wilbur said, before glancing at Kioshi and Techno who both looked away with pink faces. "Oh shit"

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