Chapter 012

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Chapter 012: I Broke All My Bones That Day I Found You

Content warning: suggestive language

Kioshi followed the three up the first set of stairs, as all four of them looked around for Silas and Asahi. Soon they came across a room where Silas and Asahi were talking, Silas making jokes and impersonating different people as Asahi was doubled over in laughter. Kioshi smiled at the sight. Drew winced slightly at how loud the two were, a little intimidated, and immediately regretted meeting them.

Asahi noticed the four in the doorway, jumped a little, and immediately stopped laughing, soon Silas noticed Asahi staring at the doorway in embarrassment and followed his eyesight. He smiled when he saw his friends along with more people and ushered them in. The four walked in and Kioshi was the first to say something.

"You two look like you're getting along well!" She commented, sending a wink to Asahi who gave her a glare. 

"Wait we should go we still need to find Maeve's friend," Cloudi said, and Drew facepalmed.

"What's wrong with her?" Asahi asked rudely.

Drew got out his notebook and wrote something quickly before turning it to Asahi. It said 'She made a mistake. Everyone makes mistakes. Your parents, for one.'

Silas read the note and immediately started laughing while Asahi's face turned pink. 

Maeve read the note and laughed as well "This is why she's my friend." 

Drew wrote down something else and showed it to Maeve this time. 'Can we go to another room? They're loud and so is everyone downstairs.'

"Sure, let's go." Maeve said leaving out with Drew and Cloudi following her. 

"Do you guys wanna follow me downstairs so you can meet Techno?" Kioshi asked with a practically begging smile. 

"No." Asahi said.

"I'll go!" Silas said jumping up from his seat.

"Fine I'll go too since you're so insistent" Asahi said getting up from his place.

Kioshi smiled and signaled for them to follow her as she left the room and went down the stairs, looking for Techno. Soon she found the man sitting in the library/study and reading a book he had seen, with nobody else around. He looked up as she entered the room, smiled, and noticed the two boys behind her.

"Hallo" He greeted, placing a piece of scrap paper in his book and closing it. 

Kioshi waved and smiled back, going to sit with him on the couch, while the two boys sat in chairs.

"This is Silas," She began, gesturing towards Silas who threw up a peace sign and a smile, "And Asahi, he and his dad are staying with me and my dad for a bit during break." She finished, gesturing towards Asahi, who did nothing but give a cold stare. 

"Guys, this is Techno" She said, turning to the two guys and gesturing towards Techno who gave a small wave.

"Kioshi NEVER stops talking about you and your cute face and how she want to kis-" Silas started, making kissy noises and faces, only to get cut off by Kioshi who threw herself in front of him and grabbed his hands, her face beat red.

"Don't listen to him!" She said frantically, Techno chuckling a bit ignoring his own face that turned pink. "You're an idiot Silas" She said to the boy, flicking his head lightly. 

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