Chapter 009

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Chapter 009: The Truth is Out There

Techno woke up a few hours after he has laid down, Kioshi was still fast asleep buried in his chest. Techno's face heated up slightly as he admired the sleeping girl. He glanced over behind her to see her phone light up with a video call request from a contact labeled "Dad". Panicking slightly but not wanting to scare her he lightly shook her, whispering her name in a slightly panicked voice. When Kioshi's eyes fluttered open she gave a small hum of acknowledgment.

"Your dad is calling" Techno whispered and Kioshi shot up, frantically searching for her phone in a half-asleep yet panicked manner.

When she found it her eyes widened at the video call request as she started smoothing out her hair. She went to press accept when she looked at Techno, who was right beside her in bed, his hair ruffled from sleep. Panicking and without thinking she pushed Techno off the side of the bed, and he hit the floor with a light thud and a small "oof".

Accepting the call she gave her father a nervous smile and wave as he instantly began scolding her.

"I have called 13 times," The gruff voice said.

"My ringer was off" Kioshi tried to explain, not telling the full story but not lying either.

"You have just gotten back after being away for four months and already you've spent all of your time but that boy" Taro said venomously.

"You can't complain about me being gone when you're the person who sent me away!" Kioshi said, exasperated.

"Are you talking back? Get home right now or-" He was cut off by the sound of Kioshi ending the call.

Kioshi sighed, running her hands over her face before remembering Techno was on the floor. Gasping, she peaked over the side of the bed, offering an apologetic smile.

"Sorry" She said, her voice small and sympathetic. Techno just shrugged and smiled back before getting off the floor and sitting beside Kioshi on the bed.

"So that went...well" Techno said jokingly and Kioshi sighed.

"I'm so tired of him acting as though I'm not an adult, I'll be 20 next month!" Kioshi vented.

"I don't want to intrude, but I do think maybe he treats you a little unfairly. You have always abided by his rule, no matter how strict and he still behaves as though you're rebellious." Techno said carefully, not wanting to accidentally offend Kioshi.

Kioshi nodded vigorously, agreeing with Techno as she hopped off his bed. "You're completely right! I mean ridiculous curfews, no speech therapy, technology restrictions, and an all-deaf school for goodness sake! I'm not even deaf." She ranted, pacing back and forth in his room and Techno's eyes followed her hands, trying to read everything she was saying.

"You don't have to follow all of his rules" Techno suggested and Kioshi stopped pacing and sighed.

"I should go home" She signed softly, her head turned toward the ground not looking Techno in the eye. Techno felt a sinking feeling in his chest.

"Asahi and his dad will be there soon anyways." She said, walking past Techno to go towards the front door. Techno followed behind quietly and watched as she gathered Pickles in her carrier.

Kioshi turned and gave Techno a small and sad smile and wave before heading out the door. After she let Techno sighed and flopped down onto the couch and sighed. Wishing that Kioshi would stand up for herself against her father before it was too late.

Kioshi sadly walked back to her house, dreading the talk her father is for sure gonna have with her. She partly hoped Asahi and Masao would be there already so maybe her dad would spare her. Her prayers must've been heard because when she came close to her house Mr.Masao's car was sitting in the driveway. She felt a bit of relief as she walked faster to the door.

As she entered through the door Her dad, Mr.Masao, and Asahi were all sitting in the living room talking. Her dad heard the door open and turned to face her, catching the other two's attention as well. Asahi's bored look somewhat lifted when he saw Kioshi. Kioshi gave a small way and set Pickle's carrier down, letting her out.

She went and sat down with them, greeting everyone.

"I was just telling Mr.Masao how you were just catching up at the animal clinic that you volunteer for while you're here" Taro said, forcing a smile and giving his daughter The Look.

"Oh... yea." Kioshi signed half-heartedly. She didn't enjoy lying.

"Wasn't I right about the academy? If it could shape up Asahi here I knew it would shape up Kioshi." Masao said snottily.

"Oh yes, you were very right. I owe you many thanks for a much-needed wake-up call, I do not know what I was thinking when I agreed to her hanging out with those.... kids. Now she doesn't hang out with people outside of her community anymore and she hasn't dared to ask for speech therapy again." Taro agreed

"See Kioshi is the perfect example of the type of girlfriend you need Asahi. Not whatever drummer girl you were talking about earlier." Masao said talking to his son, who had now turned bright red as Kioshi gave a confused look.

"Drummer....girl?" Kioshi asked and before anyone could say anything else Asahi hopped up.

"Kioshi and I have to go make sure we're ready for that study meet tomorrow. Bye!" He said before grabbing Kioshi's hand and pulling her upstairs towards her room. As soon as they got in he shut the door behind them and breathed out sharply.

"What was that about?" Kioshi asked, giving Asahi a questioning look.

"I could ask you the same thing!" Asahi said trying to switch the topic off of him.

"What do you mean?" Kioshi asked confusedly.

"Oh, the shelter you're volunteering at? No speech therapy? Acting as though you don't have a boyfriend and he isn't hearing?" Asahi said

"I never said any of that. That was all my dad." Kioshi defended.

"Well agreeing doesn't make you any better. And does he even know you're taking speech therapy?" Asahi he said

"Don't act like you didn't tell your dad about a drummer "girl" and that we're going to a study meet tomorrow." Kioshi said defending herself again.

"Yea well my dad is homophobic and I'm pretty sure both our dads wouldn't let us go if they knew it was a-" Asahi stopped himself short before he spoiled the surprise for Kioshi. Kioshi recognized this and sighed, sitting on her bed.

"What are you gonna do about your dad? Do you like Silas?" Kioshi asked Asahi and he went to sit on the chair at Kioshi's desk, facing Kioshi.

"I don't know and... yes." Silas admitted. "What are you gonna do about your dad not wanting you to date that guy? Do you want to date him?" He asked Kioshi.

"I don't know, and yes." Kioshi said, mirroring his words.

Greek Tragedy llजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें