reader insertion--OP 8

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How would (Y/n) appear in OP 8?

--Right after Midoriya comes out of the tunnel and into the training field, where Class 1-A is there to greet him, (Y/n) will be in her winter costume beside Bakugo and Kirishima. She'll had an arm resting against his shoulder, though he still looks away from where Midoriya is coming in.

--When the students of Class 1-A are talking to one another and preparing themselves for the training session, (Y/n) will appear in the last one with Todoroki and Midoriya. She will walk out as they are talking, pulling her hair into an up-do before stopping in her tracks. She turns and says something to the two of them, gaining Todoroki's attention more than Midoriya's.

--While each Class 1-A student is showing off a move of theirs, (Y/n) will appear after Kirishima and before Bakugo. She will leap out, her eyes turning bright blue as she leaps off a steppingstone and into the air. Her hands will quickly shift from bright blue to green before Bakugo appears on screen.

--In the final clip with all of Class 1-A, (Y/n) will be in the air above the rest of the class. She will be off of a steppingstone, the tip of her boot still touching it. She'll have one hand extended behind her and the other bent as it has a mixed green and blue glow. She has a huge smile on her face. 

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