reader insertion--OP 5

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How would Y/N appear in OP 5?

--Y/N would be shown with Iida suspended in midair in the beginning, because unlike Todoroki and Bakugo, she passed the Provisional License Exam.

--When Midoriya is just standing in the ring, Y/N would fly over him using her telekinesis. Bakugo and Iida would be coming from the sides still.

--Y/N would appear once again in the group panel shot. She'd be in the empty space in between Yaoyorozu and Kaminari. She'd be holding her goggles in one hand while her other hand is rested on her hip.

--After Uraraka turns to the camera and smiles, Y/N would jump up. She'd vault off of one of her steppingstones, pulling off her goggles and making a peace sign to the camera and smiling as she fell out of the frame.

--After the shot with Bakugo staring at All Might from behind, Y/N would pop onto the screen. She'd be sitting with her knees to her chest while her shirt rode up, revealing the bandages around her back. A blue-glowing tear would run down her cheek as she jumped up, bouncing off a steppingstone and shattering the screen.

--When Midoriya and Bakugo appear standing side-by-side in their costumes, Y/N would pop up in the middle and blast the screen to appear a bright blue.

--In the last shot with all of class 1-A, Y/N would be standing in the space between Bakugo and Sero. She'd be turned to the side, not fully turned like Bakugo and Todoroki, and trying to tap Bakugo to look in the camera's direction.

I didn't expect to be able to add this much to this OP. I am pleasantly surprised. I'm kinda sad that this fun little insertion is going to end soon, but I've thoroughly enjoyed writing them!

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