reader insertion--OP 7

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How would Y/N appear in OP 7?

--When Bakugo appears while sitting on top of the title piece, Y/N will be leaning against it rather than Kirishima. She will be looking up at him with a smile as he looks back at her with a genuine smile as well, rather than a smirk or his signature toothy 'smile'.

--Y/N will appear after Bakugo's moment when he looks up at the camera. She will be looking at her hands, the camera panning to reveal them without scars. When it goes to her face, she will hold up her hand to reveal the scar opened up again. Then it will be Midoriya's moment.

--After Uraraka appears with her costume on, before Todoroki and his ice, Y/N will catch the candy apple and then use a small steppingstone to bounce it into the next shot with Todoroki.

--Before the shot of the class walking onto the stage, Y/N and Bakugo will appear. Bakugo will have his hands on her waist while Y/N rests her arms on his shoulders. The two will kiss, the shot moving over when an aurora borealis comes from Y/N's hands and moving into the next shot with class 1-A walking on stage.

--In the final shot where all the students have some kind of instrument, Y/N will have a trombone as she appears between Midoriya and Bakugo. She will be blowing into it, her hands appearing to be bandaged up.

Fun fact: I am in marching band and I play the flute for those who were interested. So yeah... I don't just spend all my time writing...

Okay back on topic, I mainly added that so it kinda softens what I'm about to say. I personally really dislike this opening. It's cute and all but it just stands out from the rest in a way that I'm not really a fan of. I know this is centered around the School Festival but I just really dislike this opening. I figured by adding that kiss finally that it would maybe make me feel better about writing this one. It did, I still enjoyed writing it.

Please respect my opinion, I don't want to come back and find people hating on this one because of something I think.

Anyways, thank you for reading this little reader OP insertion series! I hope you enjoyed!

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