reader insertion--OP 6

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How would Y/N appear in OP 6?

--In the small montage where they're showing moments from past seasons, there will be one with Y/N in her normal form and the next second she will be shown in her second form. There will also be a moment where Bakugo and Y/N are shown hugging, the moment from when Midoriya and him fought after the Licensing Exam.

--In the longshot of class 1-A, Y/N will appear on the end, near Mineta and Kaminari. She will be smiling, shoving her hands in her jacket pockets. When Bakugo fully appears in the shot, she'll turn and smile, rolling her eyes at him.

--In the shot where Kirishima originally hardens alone in his hero costume, symbolizing how he was with Fat Gum's agency, Y/N will be there as well. The first moment will be where she pulls down her goggles and the next will be when her hands and eyes begin to glow a bright blue.

--When Rompa and Kirishima appear, about to fight each other, Y/N will be jumping up and away. She'd flip in the air and bounce off one of her steppingstones out of the screen.

--When the sun seems to brighten in the moment Midoriya is reaching for Eri, it will transition to Y/N in the Energy State. She will turn, finding Riki there and then turning as Bakugo appears. She will be close to kissing him when finally they are separated by her hands glowing green and blue. The green light will then transition to where Midoriya appears again.

--In class 1-A's moment when they walk in the line, Y/N will be walking in between Asui and Bakugo. She'll have her hands up, seeming to be putting her hair up.

--In the final shot where it shows the title and all the work-study students and heroes, Y/N will be above Kirishima and Mirio. She will seem to be mid-jump with her hands clenched as if she were about to punch of blast something.

Originally, when I was still in the middle of writing 'Skylight', I planned for Y/N to either fail the Licensing Exam or just not get a work-study. But then when I wrote for her to pass, I decided that it would be good to have her work with Fat Gum since she, Kirishima, and him all have something to do with shielding and blocking. I'm glad I made that decision cause that made writing this insertion so much more fun!

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