Ch 12

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I don't know where I am when I wake up.

I don't know what happened.

I don't know why Martyn's standing at the door of where I am, or why he looks so awkward and nervous.

Until I remember.

We went back to the Watcher lands. Me and Doc and Scar.

And Scar didn't come back with us.

'You're awake.' Martyn comments. 'Are you alright?'

'Why were you there?' I cover the easiest question first. 'When... did they find you?'

'After a Double life session. The others told me they'd destroyed this world but... it's worse than I thought.' 

'Don't remind me.' I reply, wincing from the sudden pain of my wing and other unhealed injuries. 

'Grian... this isn't your fault.'

'It is.' I shoot back, standing up. 'I... I let them take him. I did nothing. Because I'm scared of them. The Watchers.' 

'Everyone's scared of them. And you have even more reason to. Don't blame yourself.' Martyn walks towards me, but I push past, ignoring the constant stabbing agony. 

'I need some time alone.' I excuse myself, leaving. The area outside is full of people... Jevin and Hypno are pushing through, helping with the construction of the camp, chatting despite their various injuries. Doc and Joe are helping whoever needs it and I assume Cub's still upset about Scar. I can't see Ren either, but shrug it off, crossing the camp.

'Hey! Grian! How are you doing?'

'I want to be alone.' I reply, instead entering the still-open nether portal. 

To my surprise, Ren's had the same decision as me, but someone I'm unbothered, sitting next to him on the edge of the platform.

'Hey, dude.' With a smile, he greets me and I smile back. 'Coping?' 

'Barely.' I mumble back, staring down at the ruined nether hub. 'Scar's gone and... I feel like this is all my fault.'

'It isn't. You can't control the Watchers. They're the ones that did this.' 

'Because I let them. I didn't... go back.'

'Grian, this isn't your fault.' Insists Ren, taking my hand. 'They're the evil demon cultists.'

'You don't understand.'

'Then... you can explain it. And I won't judge you.' Looking over at Ren, I notice his ear is badly torn, and have to look away. I did this to him. By... being too scared to face the Watchers myself.

'I... I had a world called Evo. With Martyn... and BigB, and Jimmy, and others. And The Watchers helped maintain it, gave us items and updates. Until they wanted more and took my friend.' I pause. 'And then later on they took me. It was all agreed, I join them and they continue helping Evo...'

'And they destroyed it?'

'No. That's... that's the thing. I didn't hate being one of them. I didn't realise what they were really like.' I add, mumbled. 'Until way afterwards.' 

'I'm sorry, dude.' 

'Even when they...' I sigh. 'I was really good at watcher magic, so they gave me extra training. Private lessons just me and the leader of the All Protecting watchers. Braid- everyone called them Braid. And then... they told me to fight another watcher until one of us died.' I know for a fact Ren doesn't need to know any of this, but I still continue. 'So... so I did, because of course- of course the watchers weren't bad.' A laugh. 'And I won. I killed the watcher. I... I killed my best friend. Taurtis.'


'It was a trick. And I'd failed, for not being able to tell it was Taurtis. Or... they said I had. And now I don't know what was meant to happen. And then... a while later, they took me to the portal room. Said... I'd finished my training in the Watcher Lands. And they threw me into a one-block world. Just... just a single block of bedrock. With no instruction. I ended up creating the entire minecraft world in the hope that they'd bring me back after I'd pleased them.' I pause. 

'What happened then?' Ren eventually asks. 

'Other people turned up instead. Who weren't watchers.' I smile. 'You lot. The hermits. And I joined in with your activities and shenanigans through Season 6 and... I think the Watchers wanted me to stay there, but I'd befriended all you and didn't want to leave you. So I joined you in Season 7 when I realised the Watchers were pure evil cultist murderers that destroyed my home Evo, made me kill Taurtis or purpose, and took Pearl as well in hope that she'd succeed where I had failed.'

Silence. I feel myself threatening to start crying, and Ren hugs me. I hug back. 

'I guess... I guess I still haven't gotten over how bad they really are.'

'It's alright dude.'

'But it's NOT.' I instantly regret shouting at Ren as his ruined ears flatten against his head. 'It'll never be alright... I should've stayed in Season 6. Then none of this would've happened.'

'Grian, that's the worst thing you could've done. You've brought so many amazing moments to this server. And besides... none of us would've let you stay behind. Stop blaming yourself. We'll get Scar back, we'll rebuild Hermitcraft, and eventually everything will be fine.'

'Why didn't I realise they were bad?! I'm so stupid... it seems so obvious. They've never helped me. Ever. They don't care... why did I believe them?!'

'I don't know, dude. But it isn't your fault. No one could've predicted this.'

'I could've realised...'

'No one could've predicted this.' Repeated Ren. 'So stop blaming yourself for it.'

'If I'd given myself up instead of Scar... he didn't... he thought he was doing the right thing when...' I fight against the building emotions. 'When I wanted to return. I still don't believe the watchers are that bad. I should've gone... but at the same time I know I can never trust such horrible creatures... at least the watchers would've looked after me.'

'If you'd given yourself up Scar would've never forgiven himself... he really cares for you, Grian. From what Doc's told me about how he dealt with this situation, he'd put his own life on the line for you a billion times over. Scar's just that kind of person.'

'He's too innocent to be facing the Watchers.'

'I know.' 

A shout. I look up, turning in the direction of a very familiar voice. 


'Hermits!' Another replies, equally familiar. I scramble to my feet, unable to stop smiling at the sight of Tango and Impulse. 

Ok, I now have motivation to write this again

That's... unexpected

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