Awaken By You

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I'm still concealed within my soul, I would just let go if you weren't here. I try to remember your eyes. You're vivid blue eyes, something I already miss. What am I saying? I miss every single feature of you. I haven't felt so lonely before, ever. It feels like I'm wandering in the blackest, darkness, most unimaginable place. This is how I picture hell and right now I don't have to picture it. I can see it clearly.

I can't stand hearing you talk and not being able to respond. I now have sympathy for the mute and the blind, I now understand. I understand how it feels to have passion, and not be able to express it. To be infatuated in love and to have no one to release it on. The only difference with me is I did, I did have someone. I had Isabelle. The pain isn't established from my injuries anymore, the pain is brought upon when I become completely useless. An exuberant soul stuck in a lifeless animation.
As much as I could think about you, it wasn't like I never thought about my family. My younger brother, my mother, and my father who sadly isn't with me anymore. He never died, he wasn't lost, and to this point in my life he definitely isn't forgotten. He left at the birth of my younger brother. He didn't state why, he didn't even show his emotions so mother could help. One day mommy was crying and daddy was gone, daddy was a lost cause nobody would make useful.

Thoughts of my family depressed me, I refused them entry into my mind. There was only one solution to deny their entry, I had to think about Isabelle. As I sat there I summarized everything I just thought. I came down to one conclusion, Isabelle you are here, but I miss you.

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