Side story

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Side Story (Unrelated to original story)

'Knock! Knock! Knock!'

The door creaked loud and slow as Shirley opened it. She was only 8 years old and so she couldn't see through the peephole to know who or what was outside.

"Mama?"she questioned cheerily.

She was anticipating her mother's return. As a single mother, Shirley's mum had to work long hours to make ends meet. Thus, she would normally head to work soon after the sun rose but could only come home at about midnight or even later.

Normally, Shirley would have fallen asleep before her mother came home. However, this time, she managed to stay awake till midnight to show her mum that she had scored full marks for a few tests, hoping to be praised for her excellent performance and to see her mother's delight.

She popped her head out of the door and looked around. The corridor was dimly lit and down the hall, one of the lights was even flickering. It was dead silent and not a single thing alive seems to be outside.

She looked down in disappointment and pouted. She was about to close the door when something stopped it. She looked up to see four black bony fingers (if they were even fingers) wedged in the door, preventing it from closing.

Shirley screamed out loud and ran back into the house. The door swung open and a black mass was seen. It's figure was undefined, like black smoke. Then, just as suddenly as it came, it disappeared.

At this moment, Shirley was hiding under her blanket. She heard the door slam and silence followed. She was really scared and she started sobbing. That thing seems to have heard Shirley's sobs in the silence left behind.

Step...Step...Step... Footsteps were heard approaching Shirley. Shirley became more petrified. She hugged herself under the covers and listened carefully to the sound of the approaching footsteps, hoping it would not come closer to her.

The sound of the footsteps stopped. The covers were lifted up. The black mass gushed towards Shirley. Shirley let out an ear-piercing scream. Then silence returned.

Not long after, Shirley's mother, Sherrell, returned home to find the door wide open.

"Shirley?" Sherrell called out.

There was no response. Sherrell went into the house and closed the door. She went to their bedroom and saw Shirley lying on the bed in a crouched position. She assumed that Shirley fell asleep but she found it weird to see Shirley in that position as if Shirley had been afraid of something. Sherrell didn't give it much thought. She re-adjusted Shirley to a more comfortable position, then went to take a shower.

Sherrell was in the shower when she heard something hit the shower door. She turned to look and saw blood red handprints on her shower door. Then she saw a pair of hands slamming on the shower door and Shirley screaming, "Help me!!!" as she was dragged away or so it seems from the smearing of the blood red handprints. Sherrell couldn't clearly make out what was outside the shower door as it was misty but that seems like what happened.

Sherrell quickly got dressed and went out of the shower room holding a can of deodorant as her weapon. "Shirley? Where are you?" Sherrell called out.

"Mama?" Shirley called.

"Shirley! Yo-you-your face!" Sherrell shrieked in terror.

Shirley's face...her skin...the skin on Shirley's face was...GONE. All that's left is her two blue eyes amidst the bloody red.

"Mama?" Shirley called out as she came closer to Sherrell oblivious to her skinless face.

"Are you in pain?" Sherrell asked, horrified by the skinless face.

"Mama, there is nothing wrong with my face, see," Shirley said as she touched her face.

Then she realized. She went to look in the mirror and she screamed.

"Why? Why have I become like this, Mama?" Shirley asked Sherrell as her eyeballs started falling out of her sockets and blood was flowing out of her hollow sockets. Blood started gushing out of her mouth like a running tap as she was walking towards Sherrell.

Even though Sherrell was afraid of what was happening to Shirley. As a mother, she couldn't abandon her child in such a terrified stage. Rejecting her child would sadden her child and who knows what will happen to Shirley! Therefore, summoning up her courage and willpower as a mother, Sherrell hugged Shirley and tried to give Shirley comfort because after all, Shirley was her dear child and moreover, Shirley was suffering.

Sherrell tried to ignore the scent of blood flowing out of Shirley and tried to bear being covered in blood. The black mass was repelled and jumped out of Shirley's body.

"Ahhhhh! What is this?! Why am I repelled?!!! This is impossible!!!" The black mass shrieked and writhed in agony.

"You will never take my child! Disappear!" Sherrell yelled at the black mass.

Following those words, was a blinding flash of light and everything returned to normal.

The motherly love Sherrell had for Shirley forced the twisted black entity out of Shirley and vanquished it.

The greatness of motherly love dispersed the evil and a mother will always love her child regardless of whatever the child may turn out to be is just as you have read in this story. Happy Mothers' Day to all mothers in the world!:)


Sorry for the long wait update!>.< Even though this is not related to the main story, I wanted to have a side story for Mothers' Day so I added this in. Thanks for reading my story up till now! :D I will be taking a long break from writing and will not be updating my story until my national exams are over. Sorry about that!>< really really sorry!>.<

Also, after my national exams are over, I'm planning to change a large part of the story to make it better and less confusing to read. I hope u will like the renewed version! Sorry and thanks for supporting this story till this stage! ;D

Harloween AcademyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora