Harloween Academy Chapter 3

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"Zeylen Quatriah, loves sports and I wanna join our school's volleyball team," A boy with grey eyes came into the class. He had dougie poynter hairstyle and his blonde hair are short and spiked at the back. He looked exactly the same as Xyler, the only thing different about them were their eye colour.

Zeylen,hmm... Why does it sound so familiar?

"Hey, Trix! Thought I'd see you here!"Zeylen chirped.

Trix? Why is he calling me so familiarly? If he knows my name, he should be calling me Trixilia, not Trix! Also, ' thought I'd see you here' ? What's he talking about? Do I know him?

"Have you forgotten me? Zey?Zey for Zeylen? You'd always call me that," Zeylen questioned, sounding slightly disappointed.

Zey? Isn't that my childhood friend? I remember he used to cry all the time when he was bullied and I had to come and rescue him, I was just like an older sister protecting her younger brother.

Even though we are the same age, he was older than me by three months. When he was going to migrate to another country, he was crying so badly.

When he got into the car, he still looked back and kept crying. I was crying as well and I was chasing the car even though I knew I wouldn't be able to catch up. Even so, I still chased after him, hoping for a miracle, that never came.

That night, I couldn't sleep. My elder brother, Shayley, comforted me and we had a heart-to-heart talk. Without knowing, I fell asleep after chatting for some time.

When I woke up, memories of the tragic separation started flooding in my mind. I started sobbing but a pair of warm big hands and a soothing voice comforted me. It was Shayley. He stayed by my side the whole night.

His concerned look told me that he had been very worried about me. Tears of joy slid down my cheeks. Now, I realized that there is someone who truly cares about me.

Ever since we moved into a bigger house, my parents are always quarreling and neglecting me and my brother.

That is why I always go to Zey's house to play. However, I have never seen his parents before, only Aunt Meg, the caretaker hired to take care of his daily needs such as meals and laundry.

My whole childhood only revolved around me, Shayley and Zey. So when Zey moved away, it was like ripping out a part of me.

"Trix? You okay?" Zey asked.

"Yeah, I remember now. You were my childhood friend." I replied, snapping back to reality and wiping off the tears that flowed due to the tragic recount.

"Wait, why do you and Xyler look the same?" I asked, feeling extremely puzzled.

"About that, well, we are..." Zey hesitated. He looked at Xyler, wondering if he should say it or not. Xyler gave a nod.

"Um, we...are..." Then he paused again.

"What is it?! Just spit it out already!" I exclaimed, feeling quite pissed off at them and the dying sensation of wanting to find out what their little secret was, was killing me.

"We are brothers, twins," both of them said in unison.

I was speechless. My childhood friend had a brother? When? Why don't I know about it? Moreover, I always went over to his house but I have never seen his brother!

Seeing how shocked I am, Zeylen said, "We'll explain it during break."

"As your punishment for coming to class this late, bring your desk and chair to the classroom from the storage room. Since you seem to know Ms Meldon, your desk will be beside hers. Now run along," Mrs Wayer snapped.

After Zeylen left, Mrs Wayer started talking about the co-curriculum activities that this school has. Not long after Zeylen came back with his table and chair and settled down but Mrs Wayer decided to take the class through a school tour so he had to walk again.

I realized that only the hallways are dimly lit, most of the places are quite brightly lit when in use. Though, when these places are not in use, it can be quite creepy.


If you are not sure what hairstyle Zeylen and Xyler has, go to this link:

By the way, if you were wondering, Zeylen and Xyler looks exactly the same, they also have the same hairstyle and same hair colour, the only thing different about them are their eye colour but from a glance, you can't exactly know that they are different.

Hope u like it! :p Please vote and comment! ;) I'm trying to hurry up and post chapter so I apologize if some are quite short. ><

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