Harloween Academy Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Zey's POV

" We have 3 new students joining our class today. Please give them your warmest welcome, " Mrs Wayer announced.

Who could be the 3 new students? Don't tell me she really joined this school?

She was real upset to hear that I was moving to this town to come to this school after all.

No, it can't be. Aunt Peggy will surely stop her, after all, she got accepted to a way better school and Aunt Peggy doesn't like this school at all. I got accepted to this school and I already told her the reason that I wanted to go to this school.

Even though Aunt Peggy disapproves of it, she closed an eye. However, it's a different thing for her, Aunt Peggy would never let her come to this school as it concerns her future.

Also, her parents entrusted her to Aunt Peggy so Aunt Peggy has to ensure that she gets into a good school.

"Hi everyone!" That familiar voice was heard.

That same fluffy red curls were seen bouncing in with that diamond shaped face and those cat-like green eyes.

It really is her.

It really is Megan.

"Hi everyone! I am Megan Swayer and I am Zeylen's girlfriend! Isn't that cool?" She introduced, then giggled.

"Don't spout nonsense, you aren't my girlfriend at all, you are just a friend," I denied.

I'm glad Trix didn't come to school and see this scene.

"Oh, come on, don't be so shy, even if we are not together now, we would still be married in the future," Megan said it as if it was a matter-of-fact.

"Hey, I didn't know you were engaged. Pfft," Xyler teased.

"I'm not!" I yelled back, feeling a little angry.

"Aww...Did you forget that we cohabited before you moved here?" Megan added.

Mummers were heard. I felt so embarrassed.

"We cohabited because my aunt was your caretaker and she took you in because your parents always went overseas for business trades and you had to take care of yourself.

She found it more convenient for us to stay under the same roof so she can take care of you and me at the same time," I explained.

"Right, but we had our sweet moments in that house, didn't we? We exchanged our first kiss there didn't we?" Megan exposed a secret that I didn't want anyone to know about.

"That wasn't my first kiss, I already had mine before I met you," I commented.

It was true indeed. I already had my first kiss before I met Megan. I still remember it vividly. It was a nice piece of memory.

I regretted saying it the next moment as I knew she'd question me about it later.

"What?! You must be joking. Either ways, we kissed and that is a fact," she stated as if this is a battle that she just won.

"Alright, that's too much for your introduction, Ms Swayer. Now, please sit at the row beside Mr Quatriah." Mrs Wayer appointed Megan.

Megan sashayed down the short aisle and sat at the next row beside me.

"Hey, everyone! My name is Reon and my sister's name is Reina. We are twins. I am older than her as I was given birth to first followed by Reina.

So I'm like the big brother. Anyways, I hope you would welcome us, thank you," Reon introduced confidently.

"Thank you for your introductions, please take a sit beside Ms Swayer. Now then, let's carry on with our lesson. Turn to page ..."Mrs Wayer droned on.

Harloween AcademyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora