Harloween Academy Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

I woke up and saw Shay's head resting on my bed. It seems like he spent the whole night looking after me yesterday.

I decided that I shouldn't disturb him and let him continue sleeping. I'll go to the clinic and get an MC for school later.

I carefully got out of my bed and went to the toilet to take a shower.

It was early in the morning and I could still go to school if I wanted to as it was only a few hours before school starts.

However, I didn't want to go to school. I still have a slight fever and I am also quite afraid of what happened yesterday. Going to school today will make me feel worse.

After taking a shower, I turned on all the living room and the kitchen lights. Then, I grabbed my iPod and played some music in speaker mode as I prepared breakfast in the kitchen. I closed my room door to make sure the least noise enters it.

Soon, I had finished making breakfast and Shay's lunchbox for him to bring to work later on.

Hmm.. i don't think that Zey is awake yet, I think I'll just cook some extra in case Zey can't wake up in time to make his own breakfast.

Afterwards I was left with nothing else to do that would produce minumum sound.

Shayley needs to have enough rest since he took care of me for the whole night so I shouldn't disturb him. I should let him rest to the maximum.

I shouldn't create too much noise as the neighbors might complain. Some of them staying in this block of apartment works night shift, so they might've just gotten home and slept.

Oh! I know what to do! I'll go ask Zey about what happened yesterday when they went to see what "I" wrote on the board which I absolutely have no memory of.


I know this chapter is super short but please forgive the short uploads. I'm trying real hard to balance my uploading time and school work and tuitions so please be a little more understanding><

When I reach 15 chapters of this story, I'll let more peeps know about it so I'm still working hard to reach 15 chapters! It's my current goal other than doing well in school. But of course, I'll make sure it's nice, smooth and flowing as well

:) ;) :D XI XD XP V^^^V :> ^_^

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