Harloween Academy Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

Trix's POV

After I visited the doctor, I decided to go for a little walk before heading home. At this time, Shay would have already set off to work and I didn't like the idea of being alone at home for too long.

I went to the park near my house and sat on a bench. My mood lightened as I felt the cool breeze brush past my cheeks. I closed my eyes and let myself relax.

"Young lady, aren't you supposed to be in school?"

I opened my eyes to see an old lady sitting on the other end of the bench. She was dressed in a flowery top covered with her pale purple cotton sweater. The colour of her cotton sweater is the same as the colour of her long skirt that stretched all the way to her ankles. She had neat short white hair and she held a walking stick by her side.

"Are you playing truant?" she asked.

"Huh?" I responded as my brain was still in relax mode and i was confused as to why she asked me that.

"Aren't you supposed to be in school?" She pointed out.

"Oh! I'm kind of sick so I went to see the doctor just now," I replied realizing that she asked me that question before but my mind was too relaxed to process what she said.

A blue spiked hair guy sat at a bench a few meters in front of me. He had his arm slung around a brunette and it seems like they started kissing.

I turned away feeling my face turn red as I remembered the time when I had my first kiss with my boyfriend. It was a warm and sweet sensation. I would never forget that feeling.

Wait? My boyfriend? Doesn't my boyfriend also have blue spiked hair like that guy sitting in front of me? I can't see his face clearly though, so I can't tell if that is him or not but it kind of looks like him.

I hid behind a bush near the kissing couple. "Alexian Kreger! What are you doing?!" I yelled while still hiding at the nearby bush and watched the blue spiked hair guy's reaction.

He stopped kissing that girl and looked around. I saw his face and it confirmed my doubts. No explanation was needed I saw it all.

"You bastard! How could you cheat on me?! We just never met up for two days and here you are kissing another girl!"

"Come on babe, be more open! It's only a French kiss. Besides, I'm just teaching her the ropes by doing it with her," he explained it lightly.

"ONLY a French kiss?! Even just a lip to lip contact with another girl is already unacceptable! Teaching her the ropes? You are enjoying this as well aren't you?!"

"Not really, she isn't quite a good kisser so she needs more practice. She likes Zenneth and you know how he is. He only likes experienced girls." He replied taking this matter as lightly as ever.

"Alex, who is she? Why are you revealing my secrets to her?" The brunette asked in a voice so sweet and squeaky that it's dislikable.

"She's my girlfriend," he replied calmly.

"You remember that you are MY BOYFRIEND and yet you are still kissing ever so passionately with her?! Even if she does need 'practice', must it be with you who are attached to me? Why can't she 'practice' with Sam or Jack who would gladly volunteer?" I questioned.

"Chill babe, she's just a newbie in our clique and she isn't really familiar with the other guys," he defended her.

I could feel my blood boiling and felt my temperature rising. I really felt like slapping that bitch but I held back.

"Since she's able to 'practice' with you, she should be ok 'practicing' with other guys as well since she's such a lose woman!" I shouted.

SLAP! Something hit my face strong and hard. I fell to the ground from the great impact to my weak body.

My world was spinning. Tears stung my eyes and they started to well up, blurring my vision. I got up from the ground wobbly. Even though my vision was blurred by the tears in my eyes, I could still roughly see where that jerk was standing.

I glared at him and said, "We are over."

I limped away from them and continued doing so until I am out of the park away from them.

Within that time, I tried to hold in the tears that were leaking out because firstly, I didn't want to let them see me being so weak and crying.

Secondly, I knew that I wouldn't be able to get out of the park if I cried as I would be feeling too devastated to do anything but cry.

I could feel the walls of happiness crumbling in my heart. Sadness seems to flow in me like the blood that runs through our veins, arteries and even capillaries.

When I couldn't hold it in anymore, I started to let the tears flow down like an open tap. I just stood at the random place which I stopped at and cried with my face buried in my hands.

Just then, I felt a warm embrace. It enveloped me in a warm and comforting way. It held me tightly and made me feel really secure.

"Let it all out," a familiar and deep voice said.

I didn't care who it was anymore. I felt so depressed till I just stood there and continued crying while someone was hugging me.

Soon after, I felt wet drops falling on me but I still continued crying, I just couldn't stop.

That person did not say anything either. That person just wrapped me with something which I think was his jacket and allowed me to continue crying as he continued to hug me and give me comfort.

It was too comfortable till I think I fell asleep. I felt like I was floating as I slowly gained conscious. I tried to open my eyes and saw someone that I never thought would carry me in a "Princess style" ever.


Who is the person that was carrying Trix that made her so shocked?

Read the nxt chapter to find out more!

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