Harloween Academy Chapter 5

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Bang! There goes my books. They flew to the floor immediately as if they hated being in my grasp.

"I am so sorry!" A manly voice spoke.

Geez, what is up with me today? Always bumping into guys.

He helped me pick up my books. It was then that I realized he had hair as black a void, eyes of a deep shade of green and a smile that would capture any girl's heart.

His looks were every dream girl's ideal type. He was very very stunning and when I say stunning, I mean really stunning.

I almost thought that his too-good-to-be-true looks were because he is an eternal being, one that will never grow old and will never die.

I thought he was just like the vampires in Twilight, the movie. Of course that cannot be true since this is the real world. Even if it is true, I won't be so lucky to meet one.

"Here you go!" he chirped, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Thanks," I managed, I was shocked beyond words by his looks.

He strode off. Gosh, even the way he walks is so cool, I really can't believe he is human. Oh no! I forgot to ask for his name! There goes my chance to know a super handsome guy. Sigh...

* * *

"Finally, time to go home!" I screamed in excitement like an elementary school kid.

I briskly walked out of school and was about to exit the school gates when I heard my name being called out.

That deep and cheerful voice...

It was Zeylen!

"Wait for me!"he shouted.

"Why? We aren't going the same direction," I said, thinking that he still lived far away from school.

He smirked. "We are," he said it as if it was the most obvious thing ever.

We walked home together and chatted about what we had been doing all these years.

When I reached my apartment, he was still with me. "Why are you following me all the way to my house?" I questioned.

He smirked again. "I live here," he said as he opened the door to the apartment next to mine.

My eyes widened and my jaw dropped. "You...you are going to live here?! " I asked with disbelief.

"Yup, right next door. You don't welcome me?" he asked and his grey eyes looked into mine as though they were trying to peer into my thoughts.

"I was just thinking about how cool it was, that's all," I replied.

"Can we be like how we were before?" he asked.

How we were before? Is he still the same as last time? Being bullied and need my help?

"As in become as close as we used to be," he said as though he read my thoughts.

"Yeah, sure! Why not?" I chirped.

"Oh! Do you live alone? If so, would you like to come over for dinner?" I asked suddenly remembering the times we had meals together, just the three of us, me, Zey and my brother.

"I would love to!" he exclaimed and he gave me a smile that would make any girl fall for him before he went into his apartment.

I was dumbstruck. When did he learn to smile like that? That was kinda dangerous, I almost fell for him.

Wait, why can't I fall for him? I can right? Seriously, something is totally wrong with me today.

Firstly, almost being late for school. Secondly, keep on bumping into handsome guys. Thirdly, thinking that Zey is related to me so I can't like him.

Either ways, I only treat him like a little brother and have always done so when we were young. Even now, I still see the little brother in him sometimes.


Yay! Finally done with this chapter! Hope you enjoy it! Vote and comment please!;)

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