Harloween Academy Chapter 6

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Guy X's POV

Bang! Her books went flying to the floor. Ugh! That must be harsh, the books must've hurt a lot.

Wait, why do I even care? Oh right, I was the one who bumped into her.

"I am so sorry!" I said, trying to sound apologetic even though I'm not.

I bent down and helped her to pick up the books so that others will think I'm a good person and my reputation would be stable.

I hate bumping into girls, they annoy me and most of all, they look the same. With blonde hair and eye colour of green, blue or grey...

If I could only find a girl with jet black hair and eyes that are hazel brown, that would be good.

I passed to her the books. I was dumbstruck. That was the first time I saw her. She was exactly what I imagined her to be like!

Her jet black hair was slightly wavy at the end and her eyes were hazel brown. She is so beautiful. I took a glance at her books before passing it to her. 'Trixilia Meldon' , that must be her name. I'll remember it clearly.

I stood up and strode off, trying to look as cool as possible. After walking a distance, I realized I forgot to give her my name. Well, it's ok I guess, since I know hers.

"Ohayoo! How was your holiday?" she asked.

She is Yurino, my current girlfriend. She had brown hair but her eyes are black, nothing like the pretty girl that I just bumped into.

She's Japanese so she sometimes unknowingly add a little Japanese words when she speaks. Either that or she wants to speak a little Japanese so people will know she's one.

"Fine," I replied in monotone.

She confessed to me halfway through school year last year. I didn't really like her.

I only dated her because she looked a little different from the rest and she's of a different country.

Plus, I was quite bored with my life so I thought I'd play around a little.

She smiled and continued to talk about what she had been doing over the holidays.

Too bad for her, I wasn't listening. I wasn't even interested in her or what she does and soon, I'm going to dump her.

Harsh right? But that's the way I am, if I get bored of things, I throw it away and if I get bored of my girlfriends I dump them.

All of them have the same reaction, crying, pleading for me not to dump them, some even said its ok if I have another girl but just don't dump them.

Geez, girls these days are so annoying. Judging by the looks and behavior of the pretty girl I just met, she is nothing like them. She is just like a delicate flower, so sweet and nice.

However, before dumping Yurino, I need to think of how to catch the pretty girl's heart first. Now that I know her name, things are going to be so much easier.


Guy X has finally appeared! Things are gonna get more creepy soon!;)

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