Harloween Academy Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

My heart leaped and I froze on the spot. Why did Shay have to come out of the bath at this moment? Have I been discovered? Had Shay seen me feeding Zen the medicine? Thoughts about how Shay might react if he had seen what I did and misunderstood it ran through my mind. Shay might grab Zen and interrogate him about our relationship and Shay would even beat the crap out of him if Zen ever says that he likes me which is not very possible but to spike Shay further for fun, he might just say that.

Shay is protective of me but sometimes, he may overdo it a little. Or a lot. It may be because I'm his only kin, so he feels the strong need to protect me like our parents since they can't do it like they used to anymore.

"Trix, why is HE still HERE?! And why are both of you SOOOO CLOSE to each other?!" Shay questioned.

"Oh! I was...uhh...I was..." I said it draggingly as I thought about what excuse to come up with.

"Right! I was checking his temperature. He shielded me from the rain when he sent me home, that's why he had a fever," I explained.

"We can't just let him go home when he is so sick, right? He's still my friend, bro, he helped me in my studies, shielded me from the rain just a moment ago and carried me home since I was weak from the fever. Even though you may see him as just another guy, can't you see him as a good friend of mine before seeing him as a guy?" I continued, hoping to convince Shay not to kick him out of the apartment.

"Fine, so what do you suggest we do?" Shay questioned.

"Could we send him home? I know where he lives but I've never been there before," I asked Shay.

Shay agreed on us sending Zen home since he doesn't want Zen to stay at our apartment any longer and Zen could go back safely if we send him back.

Shay decided to take a taxi to send Zen home since Zen was not very conscious from the fever. When we told the taxi driver the address, he turned to look at us and asked, "Are you certain you have the right address?"

"Yes, I'm certain, why do you ask?" I asked the taxi driver.

I remembered that Zen gave me his address last year and said that if I needed any help with my studies urgently, I could call him or go to the address that he just texted me, which was his house. I've never went there before because the help he gave me during our meet ups were more than enough. In fact, I never thought that I would ever be going to his house. Now that I think about it, he never mentioned if he was living alone or with his parents. He never talked about things about himself for as far as I could remember.

"Miss, I think the address written here is quite deserted but are you still certain we are going there?" The taxi driver asked.

"Please go there, we need to send this guy home," Shay replied.

"Alright, I can do that but I don't know what's waiting for us there and this ride would take about two hours so sit comfortably," the taxi driver said as he keyed the address into his GPS to lead us there.

* * *

The taxi stopped in front of a concrete bridge. He said that that was where his GPS stopped. He apologized for not being able to go further as he noticed that the concrete bridge was broken. I noticed that there was another bridge but it wasn't big enough for a taxi to pass. It was a pedestrian bridge. So I gave my thanks to the taxi driver, paid him and helped Shay to get Zen out of the taxi.

We crossed the pedestrian bridge and walked on as the streetlights guided. We saw a security guard house and went forward to ask for directions. Unfortunately, there seemed to be no one there. Just then, I heard the barking of dogs. It seemed to be guard dogs. As I went closer to them, they stopped barking and started to look at me.

"Sit," I commanded unknowingly.

Surprisingly, the dogs obeyed me as if I were their owner.

"Wow, you have some skills, Trix, but we ought to get going now," Shay said, thinking that I'm only playing with the dogs for fun.

"Hold on, I think I see a sign or something," I replied as I went closer to take a look.

'Take the leash, it will guide' the sign near the dogs read.

"Which one of you would like to go with me?" I asked, not really expecting an answer but one of the dogs stepped forward.

I went closer to the dog, took a look at its collar with its name tag hung on it.

"Max, good doggie," I said as I pet it.

I was having a little fun with the dog when something strange caught my attention. From the corner of my eye, I saw the streetlights at the start of the bridge dimming and flickering. The other dogs started barking at the bridge. They seem to be barking at something or someone at the bridge. However, there was NO ONE there.

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