Harloween Academy Chapter 4

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Soon, break came. Zeylen explained that their parents had divorced and the twins, which were them, were split.

One parent, one child.

After the divorce, the parents took each child and went separate ways. They each moved to a different state and they were very far apart. The twins e-mailed each other twice a week but when they were busy, they will only contact each other once a week.

Sometimes, Xyler's classmate or Zeylen's classmate claimed to have seen them at other states during the holidays.

In actual fact, their classmates saw the other twin, not them. Also, nobody knew they had a twin or even a sibling.

They decided it was best that nobody knew about their other half. They feel that things will be more interesting this way.

So it was quite funny when strangers start approaching the other twin and the twin says he doesn't know them.

Some got really pissed off, some got all dramatic and well some just don't care if u really know them or not, they just pull you along.

One of Zeylen's worst encounter was when he had lunch with his girlfriend and some woman splashed water on him and slapped him hard.

Then the woman started ranting that he cheated on her after all she had done for him.

The woman bawled out and she sounded so convincing till his own girlfriend also took her drink, splashed him and gave him a tight slap before running off soon after as she thought he was cheating on her.

He would never forget that incident, two slaps in a day and two splashes of water. Also, the huge amount of embarrassment he received.

His girlfriend was a very popular girl so when she told this incident to her besties, this incident spread like wildfire and Zeylen's reputation was ruined thanks to his brother's psychotic girlfriend.

I laughed after hearing what happened. It was so funny! Though I was also sad that Zey lost his girlfriend.

"Seriously, Xyler, a psychotic girlfriend?" I said between laughs.

"I couldn't help it, she threatened to commit suicide if I rejected her. I didn't have a choice you know. Luckily, she found another prey and spared me my life," Xyler said, trying to defend himself.

Then Xyler shared about another incident. He was just taking a stroll at the beach when some guy suddenly punched him in the arm and said "Hey, Quatriah! Didn't know I'd see you here! Since you're here, might as well join us!"

Xyler was about to decline when the guy started to walk off, expecting Xyler to follow suit. It wasn't a question, or an invitation, it was a statement.

Xyler decided to go with the flow and, oh boy, he regretted it soon.

That guy brought him to a nearby cliff where they met the other guys.

One of them were jumping down that cliff and diving into the ocean. Justin Rover was the guy who brought him there, he soon learned.

There were also Lucxifure Treyz and  Bryan Treyz, the one who jumped into the roaring ocean a moment ago. Both of them are brothers of different age.

Sometimes they called each other by names, sometimes by surnames. For the Treyz siblings, they'd go calling them Treyz 1 and Treyz 2; Treyz 1 being Bryan, the older guy and
Treyz 2 being the younger brother of the two, Lucxifure. They were a weird bunch but they were fun to hang out with.

Justin brought him here to join them in cliff diving. However, Xyler had height phobia so jumping down that cliff was definitely out of the question.

The twin they knew was a very adventurous person and he loved cliff diving, in fact, he was extremely good at it.

That's how he met them. It was when he was cliff diving and they happened to be doing the same at his favourite spot.

Xyler refused to cliff dive, but they cornered him and he kept moving backwards till he was plugging down into the ocean, followed by the others. They followed him and dived in just in case he needed help because he acted a bit weird today, refusing to cliff dive when he had loved it so much.

Of course they didn't know this was the other twin who didn't like heights.

The worst thing was, this twin


The rest of them had already surfaced but he hasn't as he was struggling to get to the surface and he didnt know how to stay afloat.

Fortunately, the rest dived down and helped him to the surface. One of them held his head above the water and swam him to the shore at the beach.

Thankfully, he didn't drink a lot of seawater so he just coughed up a bit of water and most of the seawater were out of his system.

"What's wrong with you today, buddy?" Justin questioned.

Xyler didn't reply due to the shock he just had. Justin didn't push him for answers as he sensed that the twin was in a state of shock.

Justin offered to send him home but Xyler declined as he knew that if they found out that he lived near the beach which was near to the cliff, they would pull him along to cliff dive again and he didn't want that.

So, he told them he was going to meet someone for a meal nearby to not raise suspicion from them.

In actual fact, he was going to go straight home and get out of his soaked clothes. He wanted to take a hot bath afterwards.

He thought about it as he paced home, shivering everytime a breeze passed by. he tried to ignore the looks from people on the street.

After this incident, he decided that he needed to learn how to swim in case he came upon such situations again.

"Wow! Both of you have so many interesting incidents to share! Too bad my life isn't as exciting as yours," I said, then pouted.

"Hahas, if you wanna hear more, we could share some with you!" Zeylen said.

"Yeah! And I'm sure you'll have some interesting experiences soon!" Xyler agreed.

"Perhaps," I mumbled.


Well I'm sorry if this chapter is short, I wanted to hurry up and publish more for all of you to read! I'm trying to write a little more about Zey and Xy (Zeylen and Xyler) so that u could get to understand them a little more.

Also, I'm sorry I haven't started on the spooky part yet, but it'll come soon after Guy X comes in.

Btw, Guy X will be a new character but still unknown for the time being so I'll call him Guy X first.

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