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Y/N POV: You're sweating. Why do you keep dreaming about this? Is what you're thinking now ⏃ dream? You get out of bed and get dressed nonetheless. You want to stay home, but you have S/N to look after tonight, and how could you just leave Sunny and Moony like that? No warning or anything. You make your way to work and slide into the Daycare. "Y/N!" Sunny says happily as he hugs you. "Hey Sunnybun." You greet him in return. "Oh, S/N is waiting in the Theatre! We're going to show her Eclipse!" He remembers, grabbing your hand. Your vision flashes to when you were running away from the fire with him in your dream. The paint on your hand, the ash in your lungs, the pain in your legs. It was all so vivid. "Y/N? Are you alright?" He asks, snapping you out of it. "Yeah, sorry. Let's go." You reply, smiling at him. He looks worried. The two of you go into the Theatre, introduce Eclipse to S/N, and more. The night mostly comes to you in ⏃ blur, but rest assured, it was fun. You email your boss: "Hey, it's Y/N. I would like to have ⏃ day off on XX/XX/XXXX." The message reads. Your time off gets approved, and you go to tell Eclipse. "Hey, just wanted to let you two know that I won't be here tomorrow." You say. They look at you. "Why?" They ask, obviously saddened. "I'm sorry, I just need ⏃ day off, alright? I'll be right back with you the day after, promise." You explain, hugging them. The four of you play ⏃ few games, and then you have to go home. In all honesty, you feel like you didn't spend enough time with them. You'll just make sure to give them extra love when you come back. Yeah, that sounds good. Still, you can't shake the feeling that you did something wrong. You get home and sit on your bed. You're scared to go to sleep; what if you have those nightmares again? You thought, and thought, and thought, until your brain told you what you did wrong. What if your dream happens? What if the PizzaPlex burns down and you can't save them? What if you do save them but they're still gone because they can't charge anywhere? All of the "what if"s are running through your head. Every scenario except for one. "What if we all make it out and are fine?". You slow your breathing. You decide it'd be best to get ⏃ snack and watch some TV to get it all off your mind. You do, and it does help. You're laughing, you're curling up under ⏃ blanket, and you're thinking happy thoughts finally. Before you know it, B/N and S/N are home. You greet them and S/N hops onto the couch with you. "Sun and Moon really miss you. They were telling me all about it today." She says, leaning her head on your shoulder. You pet her hair. "I miss them too, I just needed ⏃ quick break. I'll make sure to give them ⏃ bunch of love tomorrow." You reply, your anxiety spiking. Something is wrong. You know for ⏃ fact that something will go wrong tomorrow, and you left them. Your dreams don't just show up for no reason, right? Part of you wants to go spend the night at the Daycare, but you already filed for the time off. "I should get some sleep, I have work." You say, standing up. "Goodnight!" S/N replies, but you don't respond. You go into your room and lie in bed. You're scared. You refuse to admit it, but you're absolutely terrified. Even still, you have to stay strong. For Sun, Moon, S/N, B/N, everyone. Fear just makes you weak. You don't go to sleep for ⏃ long time. You draw, watch TikTok, play video games, read, do anything but sleep. If things were okay in the morning, you could sleep then. But you eventually do succumb to sleep, and pass out.

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