Home, Sweet Home

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Y/N POV: You're finally home. You were recommended a few therapists to go to before getting relaxed at home, but therapy is expensive and the only therapy you need is to be with your boys that you risked so much to save. B/N helps you out of the passenger seat as Sunny and S/N almost break the door down trying to get outside. You smile a little as you approach the door and S/N gets it for you. Sunny has a look of restraint on his face. He probably wants to pounce on you and welcome you home, but he can see you're hurt, so he doesn't. You go over to him and give him as big of a hug as you can without losing your balance. He very gently and carefully hugs you back. "I'm sorry." He says, his voice box crackling. "Don't be. It was my fault if anyone's." You reply. You break out of the hug and sit on the couch, Sun sitting next to you. You gesture for S/N to join as well and she does, sitting on your other side. You pet her head. "Thank you." You say, smiling at her. "For what?" She asks. "For telling me about the fire. I don't think I could live with myself if I slept through that." You answer. Sun gets up and goes to the light switch, flicking it off. Moon then comes back over, unsure what to do. "I'm so sorry I couldn't help. If only it wasn't so bright, then I could have lifted you above and your leg wouldn't be injured and" He begins. "Don't apologize. There was nothing you could do." You interrupt, gesturing for him to lean down. He does, and you give him a hug as well. He was much more gentle than Sun, you could hardly feel his hands on you. It was as if you were a porcelain doll that would break if too much pressure was applied. Moon sits where Sun was and very gently rests his head on your shoulder. You smile and rest your head on his. S/N snuggles up to your side and the three of you fall asleep, B/N joining you all on the couch not long after.

You wake up the next morning in your own bed, Moon curled up next to you and your crutches on the ground next to the two of you. You sit up and give Moon a kiss on the forehead. His fans turn on and he looks up at you, giving you a smile. You smile back, but a thought is still lingering in the back of your mind: How are they going to charge? You figured you could worry about it later, so you sat at the side of your bed and grabbed your crutches. You very awkwardly made your way to the kitchen where B/N was making breakfast. "Good morning Y/N, how did you sleep?" He asks, putting some french toast on a plate and handing it to you. "Pretty well, and thanks." You reply, sitting at the kitchen table. "Hey, who brought me to bed last night?" You ask as you take a bite of your meal. "Oh, Moondrop did. He was so worried that you might get hurt if he held you the wrong way." B/N explains, tapping his head with the back of a spatula. You giggle, and soon after Sun and S/N enter the kitchen, laughing with each other. S/N immediately runs over to you and gives you a light hug as soon as she realizes that you're in the room. You smile at her and look up at Sun, who is also smiling. ⏃ rush of emotions come over you. You're so happy to be here, with everyone you love, but the anxiety is creeping in the back of your head based on the charging issue. You decided you'd deal with it later, out of sight, out of mind after all. Normally you don't feel much, but you are just overflowing with happiness and it's genuinely hard to contain. S/N sits on one side of you and Sun makes his way to the other. Sun is much more calm now, most likely because he's scared he'll hurt you. You've always hated being injured, not because of pain but because everyone babies you. Yeah, you've been traumatized and your leg is broken but you're still alive. You still want to be treated the same. You space out as S/N, B/N, and Sun all talk. At some point you think you hear Sunny ask if you're alright, and B/N explains how you're just spaced out. You've been doing this for ⏃ while before you and the boys had met, so your siblings were used to it. You snap yourself out of it and smile at Sunny, him smiling back. You finish eating and talk with Sun a bit, and the two of you go into the living room and sit down. You resume your conversation, and he can tell by your voice that something is on your mind.

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