Getting Used To Things

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Y/N POV: "It's nothing, don't worry. I'm just getting used to this is all." You assure Sun, giving him ⏃ smile. "If you say so." He replies, knowing you're not telling him everything. The two of you sit in awkward silence before you ask if he'd like to sit outside with you. He agrees, following you outside and onto your porch. "You've never really got to enjoy the outdoors, have you?" You ask, turning to look at him. "No, I haven't. It's nothing like the pictures the kids draw." He answers, looking around. You look at him with ⏃ soft smile. For whatever reason, you've fallen so madly in love with these robots. The rest of your family is probably disappointed in you, but you don't care. You stand up and motion to Sunny. "Oh, Y/N! What do you need?" He says, checking if you're alright. You smile and let go of your crutches, awkwardly placing them on the ground. Sun looks at you, confused. Balancing on your good leg, you motion for Sun to give you ⏃ hug. He, very carefully, fulfills your request. "I'm not ⏃ porcelain doll, gimme ⏃ real hug!" You say, squeezing him. His grip on you tightens, and it does hurt ⏃ little. The two of you break out of the hug after ⏃ few seconds. "Look, I didn't shatter!" You joke, putting your hands on your hips triumphantly. Sun makes a kind of garbled laughing sound and you realize that his voice box probably needs repaired. You tell yourself to get B/N on that soon. "Oh, Sun! Would you like to go on a walk through the woods with me?" You ask as you pick up your crutches. You could see his face light up at the thought, but calm back down as he considered what might happen if he did. "You don't have to worry, I know these woods like the back of my hand." You reassure him, placing a hand on the side of his faceplate. You could see him get visibly happier. "Is that ⏃ yes?" You ask, smiling at him. He nods. "Alright! I'll go tell B/N and we'll head off!" You declare, making your way towards the door. You walk through the door to see B/N playing ⏃ game with S/N. "What's up Y/N?" B/N asks, not looking away from the game. "I just wanted to tell you that Sun and I are going on a walk through the woods." You say, grabbing a small bag with binoculars and birdseed in it. "Okay, just don't hurt yourself, alright?" B/N says, finally looking up at you. "I won't, I promise. Ready to go, Sunny?" You assure your brother, looking to Sun. Sun happily nods, although still unsure about the whole thing. But he trusts you, and he can see it makes you happy. Besides, it's high time he took his own happiness into consideration. The two of you walk back outside, coming to the treeline. "You ready, Sunny?" You ask, looking at him. He's excited, it's very blatant on his face. He nods and the two of you walk into the woods.

Hiiiiii sorry for taking such a long hiatus I have had zero motivation- This chapter is a bit short, I'll make the next chapter their walk and stuff. We're gonna ignore the Ruin DLC for now :3

ok see u next chapter !!!!!

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