Wait What!? pt:2 ~Shadowpeach~

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(Sooooo this is part two and I hope you all will enjoyyyy :)

~The Next Day~

Third Person POV:

Wukong smiled when seeing Macaque feed the Baby Mk, Macaque was so much more gentle, almost like a mother. Honestly Wukong couldn't help but smile at his past lovers actions, and Macaque wasn't paying attention to Wukong, his focus was on his child. It annoyed Macaque that Wukong was staying because his child wanted him there, so Macaque sat down at the table with his now sleeping child in his arms as Wukong began to ask more questions again. "Why does he have the

markings on his hands?" Macaque groaned hearing another question from his past lover, with and annoyed glare Macaque turned to the curious Wukong and answered. "He just, always had them..they didn't leave until I left him.." Macaque admitted, he was tired of questions from his past lover. Wukong could see that so he tried to come up with a different question. "Soo...are you..dating anyone..?" Wukong asked, Macaque gave Wukong a confused look before sighing and turning to the

sleeping child in his arms. "No, but I just got out of one..or..a few.." Macaque answered while gently petting Baby Mks ears, this answer made Wukong feel a certain way..but he couldn't put his finger on it. "Cool, I guess..now um...who was it exactly?" Macaque laughed at this question before making a small shadow portal and reaching inside, soon Macaque pulled out three fruits. One a Peach, another a mango, and the last one an orange. "Well since the King wants to know soo badly~ i guess I could tell

you." Macaque said as he handed a peach over to Wukong who happily took it, Baby Mk was still dead asleep but he was shifting lightly from the talking and Macaque could see that. "Let me go put Qí Xiǎotiān in his room, I'll tell you when I get back." Macaque said as he stood up from the table with his child in arms, Wukong only nodded as he continued to eat his Peach. Soon Macaque left the room to put Baby Mk in his room, and Wukong was left there to think to himself. 'He said he just got out of a

few..does he mean he was with multiple demons or humans at the same time or..?' Wukong sighed before turning to his left to see a small but nice kitchen, Wukong knew that Macaque had a warehouse with a dojo in it but he didn't know that there was more than just his dojo room, Macaques room, and a bathroom. Wukong wondered why Macaque needed a kitchen because he knew that the Shadow Monkey always eats out, or at least that's what he thought. Wukong sighed in frustration before turning to

the counter and seeing a small photo on the wall, now of course Wukong wanted to go over and look at it but he knew that Macaque could hear his movements and possibly get mad at him for moving. But Wukong didn't care, so the King quickly stood up and walked over towards the photo and picked it up. In the wooden part of the frame there was a carving that said...

My Relationship♡ (also warning because part of My AU is coming up)

Wukong felt a sting in his chest before he gently shook it off, hesitantly Wukong looked at the photo to see something that pissed him off. The photo was a picture of Macaque holding a Peach with a bruise on his cheek but he looked happy, for some reason..and the demon next to Macaque had a Sinister grin on his face with an arm wrapped around Macaques waist and the other behind his back. Wukong felt furious upon seeing the man that Macaque used to be with, so without thinking, the king shouted.

"MAYOR!?" Just at that moment Macaque walked back in feeling a little tired because Baby Mk woke back up and started to cry so Macaque had to calm him down and put him back to sleep. Macaque looked over to the now furious King and then looked at the picture that he was holding, with a sigh Macaque walked over to the table and sat down. "I thought I took that out, guess I was wrong..now sit down and I'll explain everything Wukong." Macaque said calmly, Wukong turned to the Shadow Monkey

LMK oneshots♡(NVM NOT Completed)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang