You Can't get Married!! Pt:2 (Spicynoodles/Spindragon)

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Redson POV:

I was brushing out my hair, looking at myself through the mirror.

I couldn't help but think that this was going to go wrong..My father is going to keep the place heavily guarded and Mei's parents just want money so; They'll stop at nothing to make sure their daughter married the rich.

I sighed, walking over to my bed and sitting down.

What was Mk supposed to do? This could end up horribly wrong and there would be no way of stopping it!

"Redson?" I quickly turned my head to see my mother standing at my door with a sad look on her face. "Oh..I apologize Mother I didn't hear you enter..What can I help you with?"

I asked quietly while standing up and walking over towards her, My Mother smiled gently before walking in and shutting the door behind her.

"My Useless Child..I know the Thief is planning to crash your wedding."

My eyes widened, I gulped quietly and quickly hugged myself in a form of comfort. "I-" "I lowered security so he will have. Better chance of crashing this. You're welcome."

My mother said calmly while cutting me off.

I stood there for a moment before tears started to form in my eyes, I quickly ran over to my mother and hugged her tightly while whispering 'Thank you' multiple times.

Well..Let's see how this wedding crashes.


Later When The Wedding Starts Or Whatever

Third Person POV:

Redson was standing at the end of the Red carpet sweating like no tomorrow, not because he was happy.

Oh hell no! He's worried about Mk and Shini! DBK is a real bitch when he's mad and Redson doesn't want anything bad to happen.

While Redson was thinking to himself, he didn't realize that the music started to play and Mei began to walk down the Isle.

Redson looked up to meet Mei's gaze and she has the same expression too.

They were both worried; what was supposed to feel like an entirety but only felt like a few seconds.

Mei was standing in front of Redson clutching onto the flower bouquet for dear life while the priests did their normal wedding things.

"If any object to this marriage, Speak now or forever old your peace."

Redson looked around before sighing and turning to Mei. Guess Mk lied..."WE OBJECT!"

Two people shouted from above, Redson and Mei both looked up to see Mk and Spindrax standing on a board near the Ceiling with a grin and their arms crossed.

"Noodle Boy!"


Both Mei and Redson smiled upon seeing their lovers, DBK didn't seemed that please, and neither Mei's parents.

Spindrax hopped down first and held her hand out with a smile. "Mon amour! Venez avec moi de cet endroit horrible ! Viens avec moi.."

Spindrax said quite loudly just for everyone to hear, nobody understood her expect Mei.

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