YOU'RE A WOMAN!? ~Shadowpeach?~

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(Honestly I don't know how to react to this but I have seen stuff like this before sooooo to make things more interesting imma make Wukong all lovey Dovey eyes and Macaque- you knooowwww- ALSO I haven't really done a ship Angst yet so this is gonna be the one✨ Anyways Shout-outs are at the bottom!!) (Most likely will have spelling errors and bad Grammer)

Third Person POV:

How to explain this..the Macaque that we know isn't fully..Macaque or as she likes to call herself, I'd actually Macaca(don't worry I looked it up and it said that female Macaques were called this). Macaca has always been female, from birth to now, she's just been amazing at hiding it. But Macaca never really meant to change her name and image, but she never really had a choice. She wanted to be a warrior but the Female Six-Eared Monkey was told that only males could become

warriors, so without thinking Macaca changed her appearance and used so many Glamours just to change her name to Macaque. And even after the effects the out come was great, people were fooled by the female Monkeys Glamours well, and because of this out come Macaca became a great warrior for her age. And now she made friends with a king, Macaca was planning to come clean to her new best friend about her true identity the legends go..Wukong killed Macaca before she could speak the truth.

Now...that was just the introduction HAH, let us get to the nice part shall we?


"MACAQUE!?" Mk yelled in surprise, he and Wukong were fighting a random Demon for at least an hour. The Demon was weak but fast, Wukong and Mk couldn't even land a single hit on it! Macaque knows this, he's been watching this fight scene play out and it was starting to get boring. "We don't need YOU here Macaque." Wukong spat out with venom in his voice as he jumped towards the Demon trying to kick it but it quickly dodged and gave Wukong a good upper-cut to the chin, making the Peach

haired Monkey fly up into the sky before falling down to the ground landing on a cloud that he summoned. Macaque rolled his eyes at this sight before summoning his shadow staff. "And I don't have Six ears! Nice one Monkey King." Macaque spat out while raising his Shadow Staff and swinging it at the Demon, and he actually hit it! Surprising Mk and Wukong. "How did you hit it!?" Mk shouted in surprise, earning a light chuckle from the Shadow Monkey "I have to deal with these kind of demons in

the Shadow realm bud, it's nothing new." Macaque answered while swinging his staff around looking like a show off, Wukong rolled his eyes before hopping off his cloud and looking around for the demon. Out of pure luck, Wukong looked over to see a glimpse of the Demon speeding towards Macaque and Mk, aiming for Mk. Wukongs eyes widened as he shouted out for his Successors name, warning him to move. Macaque and Mk both looked up to see the Demon in the air and coming down stairs for

Mk, the Raven haired boy stood still in a bit of shock and before the Demon could strike him down..he was pushed out of the way. "Kid!" Mk landed on his bottom with a small 'Oof', Wukong ran over to his Successor and pulled him into a quick tight hug, Mk smiled for a second before realizing that Macaque was the one who pushed him out of the way. "Macaque..Macaque!! Is he okay!?" Mk asked in fear as he looked over to the where he was pushed away from, Wukong scoffed before saying that Shadow

Monkey probably ran away from being to scared. "Rich coming from you Wukong." A voice spoke from behind the Monkey King and his Successor, the voice sounded like Macaques but higher? Mk and Wukong turned around to where the voice came from to see a shocking sight, Wukong blushed upon seeing the Shadow Monkey looked completely different. Macaque now had longer hair with a small ribbon holding some of her hair in a ponytail, he had..curves. His tail looked fluffier, Macaque looked like a female. "YOU'RE A WOMAN!?" Mk yelled in surprise, Macaca blinked in confusion before looking down at herself. Fear rose in Macacas eyes realizing that her secret was now exposed, she meant to put down some of her Glamours but not THIS one. Macaca looked up to see a wide Mk and Wukong except the Peach haired Monkey seemed to be blushing, seeing this anger rose in Macaca scoffed before flipping her hair out of the way and turning away from the two boys. "Wait" "Macaca. It's..Macaca..." Macaca said quietly, cutting off Wukong. "Well...Macaca..when..when did..This..happen?" Wukong asked while pointing to Macacas body, at this point the Shadow Monkey was completely annoyed but kept her cool. "Well Monkey King..You Would Have Known if you didn't..I don't know, if you didn't KILL me." Macaca said angerily, Mk was just as confused but remembered that the Shadow Monkey saved Mk from getting hit. "Are you alright!?

That Demon didn't hurt you to badly right!?" Mk asked worriedly, Macaca blinked and thought for a moment before remembering that she did get hit. With a soft chuckle the female Monkey told the Monkie kid that she always alright, Mk sighed in relief before standing up while holding his staff close to himself. "So if you don't mind me asking Macaca..why Did you show yourself as a male..?" Mk asked quietly, Macaca stayed silent for a moment before telling the Raven haired boy that when she was

young and still ALIVE, women weren't allowed to be warriors anything that meant they got dirty, and of course..the Raven haired Monkey wanted to get dirty and become a warrior so, she..became a he. Mk stayed silent for a moment before quickly running over to the Six Eared Monkey with stars in his eyes and a wide smile. "SO YOU'RE LIKE MULAN!?" "Uh...Sure?" Macaca said nervously and taking a few steps back away from the now excited Monkie Kid. "OMG!! I HAVE TO GO TELL MEIIII!!" Mk

said happily before extending his staff and jumping away with it, leaving the two Monkeys in silence. "So..Macaca huh? That's a pretty name.." Wukomg said with a grin while walking over to his former friend, Macaca scoffed before crossing her arms and looking away from the King. "Not interested." "Come on Mango, let's try again.." Wukong said with a smile while gently grabbing the Six Eared Monkeys hand, this of course angered the Female Monkey so Macaca turned around quickly before slapping the

Great Sages hand away. "You don't have the right to call me that, and the only reason you want to "try again" is because I'm like this! You don't care Wukong." Macaca said with venom in her voice, Wukongs eyes softened before sighing, he knew why his former friend was upset, she had the right to be. But Wukong really did want to try again, I mean yes, the looks was a part of why but the King also missed his Mango, Female or not. "Well..let's just start of slow? Please?" Wukong asked with a sad

smile, after a moment Macaca gave an annoyed huff before agreeing to Wukongs suggest. Macaca closed her eyes for a moment and put her glamour back up, she was now Macaque again, the one that Wukong knew for all his life. Wukong gently hugged the Raven haired Monkey and softly kissed the others cheek causing Macaque to squeak in surprise, Wukong giggled gently before smiling at his former...his Friend. Macaque stood there with a small blush before mumbling a 'bye' and summoning

a shadow portal and falling in, Wukong laughed to himself before a small smile crept on his face knowing that now he had a chance with Macaque, he now knows, Macaca. His Friend..


Well THAT was interesting- Love how Macaque went from no from a I don't know anymore- HAH and honestly I probably did kind of a shitty job and I do apologize for it because I've never really done anything like that before so I'm sorry if you don't like it.. and this was Requested by: Errorka325  like I said I apologize if you don't like it bc I had no idea how to start this or finish this sooo yeah😅 also this is probably the only time I'm actually going to do a one-shot like this- I'm sorry i just don't really know how to write this stuff but I just imagine this one- shot as Trans Macaque so yea✨ anyways I shall see you all in the next chapter soooo bye My Dear hearts!!

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