Shut Down ~Toxicinsanity~ ~Fluff/Angst~

730 16 11

Basically this is the problem I have, whenever I get highly highly stressed or I'm arguing with someone and it gets really heated or someone is Insulting me/making fun of me or yelling(not all the time with yelling but sometimes) at me I shut down. Basically I stop talking, I shut everyone out, stop eating. It's bad..So why not give a bunch of Legos that trama :D(ENJOY!!)(Also warning there will be rude spider demons in this and Mama figure Spider Queen!)(Credits: TheGalaxiesUniverses)


"You weren't able to catch him?" The Lady Bone Demon asked in an annoyed tone, the Mayor went to retrieve Macaque for his lady but the Monkey put up a fight.

So in the end Macaque had gotten away, the Mayor still had a smile on his face as he bowed his head down in respect.

"I apologize My Lady, I will do better the next time." The lady Bone Demon scoffed.

"If you couldn't capture him now, what makes you believe your weak self can capture My Champian the nex time?" She asked with a glare, the Mayor felt himself crumble a little hearing those words.

But he stayed silent. The Lady Bone Demon sighed before turning away from the male. "I do not wish to be in the presences of a Failure at the moment..Please Leave."

"Yes My Lady.." The Mayor said, still keeping his smile.

The Demon then turned around and walked away along the cave, away from the woman who wanted to claim her Destiny. What an awful start to the day.


The Mayor was walking along the Spider Queens cave when he heard talking.

The Mayor peaked his head around the piles of garbage to see if the Spiders were planning against his Lady but instead, he heard something less pleasant.

In the small area stood Huntsman, Spindrax, and Goliath. The three of them were chatting away when Spindrax grabbed a soda from..somewhere and spoke up.

"Don't know if you guys heard...But that Mayor dude, failed to get Macaque." Spindrax said with a grin Goliath blinked in surprise while Huntsman began to laugh like crazy.

"I presume that His Lady didn't take it well..?" Goliath asked with a smile, Spindrax nodded before sipping her drink. "She called him weak and a failure! It was hilarious!"

Huntsman laughed harder and put his hand on his hip. "Well it's not like that Mystery girl was far from base. That Guy just sucks!" Spindrax and Huntsman laughed while Goliath silently giggled to himself.

"She legit said she doesn't want to be in the presences of a Failure and told him to leave! It was fucking Hilarious!"

Spindrax said while wiping away a tear from laughing to hard, Huntsman grinned before leaning against the counter. "That idiot even believes that Syntax Likes him! Almost feel bad for him."

Goliath pointed out. "Almost," The three spiders began to laugh harder as they continued to chat and making fun of the Mayor.

Speaking of the Mayor, he listened to the whole thing.

His smile slowly went down, now barely smiling he turned away and began to walk, not wanting to hear anymore insults.

When suddenly the Mayor bumped into someone and fell back. The crazy Man looked up to see an annoyed Spider Queen and standing next to her with a clip board was syntax, the Mayor smiled at the Spider Demon before looking up at the Annoyed Queen.

LMK oneshots♡(NVM NOT Completed)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora