Save My Prince! ~Shadowpeach~

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(Alright- watcha guys needs to do is tag some lmk writers and tell them about this challenge- and really this is for any writer to do! I wanna see some creative writings!!! Plus I kinda wanna see if we can make these writing "Challenges" a tired so yeah!!)(Also I watched like all of season 1 of peachbuds just to get all this info so please be grateful guys😭 it was REALLY hard to just not click off and watch something else-)(Also most of these are from the Chinese translation, like in the story there's "The Ginseng Fruit" or you'll see the generals and Marshalls call Macaque "Six Ears" and only Wukong is calling Macaque Liu Er. Also Macaque will refer to Wukong as "Stone Monkey" to others, a lot of people will actually call Wukong that so like- just go with it-)(If you guys wanna do th challenge then rules will be at the bottom-)



Third Person POV:

A little ways away from Flower Fruit Mountain, sat the Six Eared Macaque...or as His friends and tribe call him. Liu Er.

Liu Er was sitting down, picking some flowers and munching away on some fruit; he wasn't alone!

General Beng was with him!

The two were having a nice conversation when they suddenly heard a noise.

"What was that?" General Beng said as he quickly turned around, Liu Er felt his ears twitch; he listened closely to try and hear what had made the noise.

"I don't really Know...But Maybe we shou-" Liu Er was quickly cut off, General Beng turned around to see why Liu Er had just suddenly gone quiet.

The General felt his eyes widend in surprise, seeing the Demon King Havoc; was holding a struggling Liu Er.


Liu Er yelled out as he reached his hand out, feeling slightly scared; General Beng tried to grab Liu Er's wrist to pull him away from Havoc. But failed.

"Liu Er!"

General Beng yelled out, Havoc chuckled. There was no real explanation for why he was here, but he clearly had something planned.

Suddenly a cloud of dust filled the air, then Havoc and Liu Er disappeared.

General Beng was of course confused; but he shook his head and ran back towards the village, hoping to seek help save Liu Er.

~Back at Flower Fruit Mountain~

Wukong POV:

I was sitting next to the Monkey King's throne, I was bored and annoyed.

The Marshalls and and General Ba were at me again just for being Disrespectful to the King or whatever.

"Did the King give you permission to sit near him?"

General Ba asked me, I rolled my eyes and shook my head; which of course got the Marshalls and himself to become even more annoyed.

"You're so Disrespectful."

"No manners whatsoever."

"Just Leave Stone Monkey!"

I sighed, again with them calling me Stone Monkey, so annoying.

Suddenly Grandpa Monkey King patted my shoulder and smiled.

"The Stone Monkey does not need permission to sit. Please, is there any other news reports besides yelling at a child?"

The Monkey King said defending Me, I smiled and stuck my tongue out at the Marshalls and General Ba.

LMK oneshots♡(NVM NOT Completed)Where stories live. Discover now