Q/A & Dares

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1.) From: MCdinoFanfic64
     Dare & Q/A: (Dare for Redboy)Next time when Mk is eating noodles, take a piece of the noodles and eat them as well to the point they kiss/ and question for all of the parents: Are they supporting on Mk dating Redson & Mei dating Spindrax?


Redson: That's so Stupid.

~Redson said as he crossed his arms and glared at the Phone, I laughed slightly and nudged Redson.~

Me: You'll be Fine~ Besides! What's the worse that could happen?

~I said with a smile, Redson rolled his eyes as he blushed lightly.~

Redson: For the Love of- Fine!

~Redson grumbled as he pushed me to the side. Soon enough Redson found Mk eating Noodles and so Redson sat down next to Mk.~

Redson: Noodle Boy...

~Mk looked up at Redson and smiled.~

Mk: Hey Firefly! What's up?

~Mk asked with a smile as he took a bite of his noodles, Redson grumbled as his blush grew. Redson took the chopsticks and placed the other end of the noodle in his mouth.~

Mk:(Muffled) Um..Red? What are you doing?

Redson:(Muffled) Just go with it..

~Mk blushed slightly but shrugged and continued to eat the Noodle, Redson following Mk's action. After a few seconds the Noodle strand was quite short, Redson started to become flustered as he began to slowly pull away.~

Mk:(Muffled) Oh no you Don't!

~Mk smirked as he wrapped his arms around Redsons waist and pulled him closer. Mk kissed Redson sweetly yet passionately, Redson squeaked at the sudden kiss but quickly kissed back.~

Me: Aw! So adorable!

~They continued their kiss, I cleared my throat and backed up slightly.~

Me: You know what Imma just take my leave-

~I quickly teleported away before anything more could happen.~


Me: Alright Parents! How do you feel about Mk and Redson dating, and how do you feel about Mei and Spindrax dating?


PIF: I do not care for that little Rat that my Useless child is dating...But I am just glad that Redson has found some form of..Happiness.

~DBK crossed his arms and looked away.~

DBK: I will kill that little thief the next time he steps foot into My home, He is not right for My Son!

~PIF rolled her eyes and cuddled close to her husband, trying to hopefully calm him down.~

Wukong: I'm just happy Mk's a Top! He takes after his father's(✨)

~Wukong said with a fake tear as he laughed, Macaque rolled his eyes and elbowed Wukong.~

Macaque: We're Happy that Mk has someone, and I'm happy that the Someone is Redson.

~Pigsy was rolling out some dough while Tang was watching.~

Pigsy: While I ain't thrilled that Mk's with our enemies son, I'm just happy that He's happy...and Goku's right..He does take after his Father's! Hah!

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