Chapter Three:Meeting Dream Or Is It Dream?

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(G/N) = Goddess Name.

(Y/N)s POV.

It's been five weeks since I've joined Alpha-Tale and so far I've gotten to know everyone living here except for one.

The one monster who didn't like me is Cross and let's say that he hated me annoying him but I can tell that he needs it. But I wasn't focused on annoying him today. It was a bit different because I went to the library for studying purposes. I may be a goddess but I'm not all knowing, I might as well find a book called 'Being First Time Goddess's For Dummies'.

That's not the book I was looking for though. I was looking for a book that'll tell me where my two star pupils are but instead of that. I found an old book that has collected shelving dust over the years. It's called 'The Festivals Of God's And Heroes'. I've found a lot of interesting things in the book and my four star pupils plus me are mentioned in the book. Even though I'm upset they didn't mentioned my fifth star pupil.

I'm getting sidetracked now, I had found out that today is Lionheart's Festival. Who is that you may ask? Go outside and look at the statue on the fountain from last chapter and you'll get the picture.

Once I had asked to borrow the book for a few days, I left the library as I studied how this festival worked and started walking towards the fountain with the statue.

"Well good job for making it in the history books Aeneas, you deserved it".

I mumbled as I smiled softly at the statue and continued reading the book. I sat down on the flat side of the fountain, sometimes reading it out loud for the statue to hear.

"According to the book, it's not an actual festival but a bon fire represents how you sacrificed yourself to save the multiverse..........".

I went quiet there as I felt my lip quiver and my heart ache just by thinking about it. I sighed. I decided to stop reading for a moment and place the book on the flat surface of the fountain.

"I'm so sorry Aeneas, I am so very sorry".

I muttered out apologies as I felt the Au try and comfort me by blowing soft warm winds at me. I took a deep breath, thank goodness I'm don't cry often. I shook my head as my sadness had left me but all of a sudden I felt happy and positivity flow into me.

"Uhm excuse me miss are you alright?".

I turned my head to see another skeleton, he looked like Cross except unlike Cross. This skeleton had yellow pupils and no red scar on his cheekbone. This skeleton is wearing yellow and black clothing and a crown is on his head but this skeleton felt familiar to me. I don't know why.

"Yeah I'm fine, don't worry about it, just sad over a dead relative".

I lied, I need to stop lying or it'll dig me into a plot that will make me reveal myself by accident. The skeleton seemed to buy it and smiled a kind smile.

"Well my names Dream, I'm the guardian of positivity, who are you since I've never seen you here before?".

Dream asked as I felt something a bit off about him at the moment but decided to shrug it off. I'll figure it out later.

"Huh well my names (Y/N), don't ask how I came here because I don't know how I came here in the first place".

I spoke as Dream nodded notheless but I noticed a yellow blush emit on his face..... Please tell me he doesn't have a crush on me this instant. He sat next to me on the fountain.

"So whatcha reading there?".

Dream asked as he noticed the book next to me, I decided to show him the book.

"The Festivals Of The God's And Heroes? It's an old book but it's quite interesting, did you know it's Lionheart's Festival today?".

I explained as Dream seemed keen on my words so I explained more.

"It's technically not a festival but a bon fire is included to represent the day he brought light to the whole multiverse".

Now that seemed to interest Dream very much. He decided to ask.

"Well why don't we celebrate it? I'm sure everyone would be keen on doing so".

"You know what, that's not a bad idea Dream, let's go tell everyone about it".

I said as I stood up, held the book in one hand as I grabbed Dreams hand and ran with him to tell everyone about it.

Narrators POV.

(Y/N) and Dream had told everyone that they were interested in making a bon fire for Lionheart's Festival. Everyone is keen to do so but only two weren't there to know yet.

Anyways, the whole town had started making a massive bon fire by gathering wood on the outside of the town that isn't near the forest. It took an hour but they soon finish their work. The inhabitants of the Au are proud of their work.

"What happens next (Y/N)?".

Dream asked as (Y/N) read through the book and smiled excitedly.

"Now we wait for the night to come, light the fire and normally celebrate it like as if it's a social gathering mixed with camping".

(Y/N) answered as Dream nodded, he didnt know why but he was starting to like her being charismatic.

"Anyways, let's prepare for tonight to happen, speaking of which, I must ask my favourite oreo if he'd like to join in on the festival".

(Y/N) spoke, making Dream stare at (Y/N) in surprise at the mention of Cross.

"Huh alright then but can I look at the book? It's just in case if we missed out anything for the festival".

Dream asked as (Y/N) shrugged and handed Dream the book.

"Eh knock yourself out, goodbye Dream, I'll see you at the bon fire tonight!".

(Y/N) cheered as she ran off in search of Cross, leaving Dream behind as he wore a smile that made people feel unease when looking at his smile.

"Indeed (Y/N), indeed".

"Her aura is off, what's wrong with her? It's like as if she can crush us by eyeing us, even me".

Dream sighed at his counterparts voice and rolled his eyes.

"We only came here to check on Cross to see if he's settling in. The Murder Time Trio are already working on recruiting the Bad Time Trio".

"Uh-huh good luck to them, I want to know more about (Y/N) because I feel she's not showing her true colors".

Dream decided to ignore his counterpart as he decided to look through the book (Y/N) gave to him.

"Huh?, The Festival Of (G/N)?, this is interesting".

Dream spoke as he read through the two pages explaining the festival and learned that it only occurs every eon as a sort of rebirth cycle. Dream decided to study it another day as he had saw the inhabitants come back with food and marshmallows for Lionheart's Festival.

End Of Chapter.

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