Chapter Nine:Going To Undertale.

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Narrators POV.

"Alright, say that we do follow your lead and capture the culprits. Then what? There's nothing else we can do once we capture the culprits".

(Y/N) said as Cross gave (Y/N) an unamused look but decided to convince (Y/N) to follow his lead even further.

"Well once we find out who our culprits are, we can go to Dream and tell him who they are. Saving him the work on trying to find out for himself".

Cross spoke as (Y/N) crossed her arms and didn't look too convinced with Cross's plan. Even though she can't see the future, she can read people's expressions and feelings like they are apart of her own. However, it diminished overtime so she can't exactly tell if they are lying or not since they are only a tiny bit of her soul.

"Cross I don't think it's such a good idea-".

"I know you won't accept it but please can you follow my lead this time? I just want to help Dream for what he's done for me, even though I don't deserve it. He still helped me and I just want to repay him...... Please (Y/N)".

Cross grabbed (Y/N)s hands, pulled it up to his chest area and begged (Y/N) the second time. (Y/N) gave Cross a deadpanned look and sighed. Of course Cross is guilt tripping her again and at first she wasn't going to compromise. Soon she had decided to change her mind and let Cross take the lead.

"Alright fine then Cross, if I get hurt then I'm holding you responsible".

(Y/N) blurted out, she thought it wouldn't hurt to let Cross take the lead for a little while. Fate and Destiny can wait a while since she knows they aren't going anywhere in Life's Garden. Cross had brought up a smile as he took the lantern in (Y/N)s hand and lead the two out of the labyrinth like library.

The two had arrived back to the oak tree as they had spotted Treatise Toriel sorting the books on the shelves using telekinesis.

"Hello Treatise Toriel, we have found what we were looking for. Can you show us the way to Undertale please?".

(Y/N) asked as Treatise Toriel turned her head and nodded at the duo. She pointed to the shelves that morphed into a purple door with white designs and a golden doorknob.

"Alright, I wish you two the best of luck on your adventure, goodbye!".

Treatise Toriel waved as (Y/N) went to open the door but Cross beat her to it and pushed himself through the door. He fell through the door as on the other side of the door is blue sky's.

"Cross, you don't think about the consequences on the first hand you tsundere".

Just as (Y/N) said that, she jumped in too as she slammed the door of TreatiseTale to Undertale closed. The door then faded back into a book shelf of TreatiseTale.

(Y/N)s POV.

Cross and I landed on the hillside of Undertale. Well Cross fell face plant on the ground. I landed on my feet as I felt the warm winds brush against my face to welcome me.

Luckily Cross didn't notice as he looked up at me, making me push the bottom of my dress back to cover my pants.

"Cross, you should let me take the lead when it comes to opening doors".

"No, I asked to take the lead, I should do it by example".

I facepalmed at Cross's sentence, I can tell what he's trying to do and it's making me feel sorry for the poor mortal. I helped Cross up as he thanked me and brushed away the dirt off his clothing.

"Well, don't forget that I can take the lead if your tired of it, alright Cross?".

I assured as Cross reluctantly nodded at my words and we start to walk down the fields.

This universe is the first universe I've created. I remember making this universe for one of my star pupils for their first attempt on creating life. Turns out to be a great success because before you know it. Two civilizations have been born and had lived in peace and harmony for years.

Me and Cross eventually came across a town, making me smile a nostalgic smile of what this all looked like before. For some reason, it all felt off the more me and Cross entered the town. Once we were going through the streets, everyone is glaring at Cross for some reason .

"So Cross, have you been to this universe before?".

I asked as Cross gave me a quick nod, it seems he's very uncomfortable being given the cold shoulder here.

"Wait a minute, that's the monster that messed up those universes!".

"Go burn in hell!".

"Didn't you do enough by destroying all those universes?!".

"Monsters like you don't desserve a second chance!".

"No, monsters don't desserve the right to live".

"Not as much as you scum bags are!".

I could hear the protests and shouts of everyone, human and monster giving Cross and themselves hate. My eyes widened at all of those words as Cross ignored the insults and hatred given to him.

This wasn't suppose to happen. What did Cross do to make everyone hate him? More importantly. What happened to the peace and harmony I've created eons ago?.

Just as I was about to ask Cross what's going on, he put his hand infront of my face to stop me from talking.

"Just ignore them, they are always like this".

"Wha- its not right of them to shout insults at you!, what have you done to desserve this?!".

I asked as Cross tried to silence me into asking more questions but he faltered when I stopped him from walking. We were standing infront of a two story houses door that had a wreath in the middle of the door.

"(Y/N) please I don't want to talk about-".

"Come on Cross, I'm worried and concerned for you, why were monsters and humans shouting at you and calling you a murderer? You don't seem like one, well your more of a grumpy marshmallow but I can't believe you being a murderer. So please Cross, tell me whats going on and I'll try my best to fix it".

I said, quite litterally as Cross stared at me, giving me an annoyed look until it softened and then he broke down into tears. I made him sit on the steps of the two story house as I held him in my hold to try and calm him down. To everyone, it just looked like Cross was giving me a hug as his head is on my shoulder, my head is on his shoulder.

"Shhh, Cross its alright, now please tell me what's wrong?".

It took Cross a while to stop crying and when he did, he told me as much as he could as his words were sniffled, hiccups (which I don't think it's possible), sobs and stuttering.

"*Sniff* I j-just wanted my universe back. I *hicup* w-was only going to *sniff* borrow the f-files *sob* for a while a-and that's it".

Huh so that's why I felt a sort of tingle on my body when I was asleep. Not the good kind, more like I was going to throw up if I wake up right there and then. I decided to ignore it for now and console the poor monochrome marshmallow crying on my shoulder.

"It's alright Cross, don't cry, please stop crying. You were trying to do something right for your universe but the way everyone saw it. You were destroying and stealing people's and monsters homes. As much as I find it honorable for you doing such a thing, I dont think it was the right thing".

I said as Cross went silent but his sobs were heard as I gave him a gentle hug and then started patting him on the back.

He tensed up at first but then relaxed as he returned the hug for me. Suddenly I heard the door behind us make a creak and then two shadows overcast over us.

"Uhm, what are you two doing?".

End Of Chapter.

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