Chapter Seven:Leaving Alpha-Tale.

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(Y/N)s POV.

After StoryShifts Charas story, I had a lot to think about what had just happened. I didn't know what to think or feel anymore. The only thing I can do right now is find out where my two star pupils are and ask what the hell is going on.

"Thank you for your time StoryShift Chara, I will let you rest".

I spoke as I stood up and walked towards the door with Cross following me from behind.

"Wait a minute where are you going?".

Cross asked me as I walked out of the medics house and started walking towards where Core showed me all of the doors to other universes.

"I'm going to find out what the hell is happening to the multiverse right now".

"No your can't, your not going anywhere, do you know how dangerous it is if you set foot out of Alpha-Tale?".

Cross asked me as I rolled my eyes, I dealt with way worse than what he was saying. I'm sure I can handle whatever is going on with ease.

"I have to do this Cross, you can't come with me, I'll be fine on my own".

I told him, I expected him to stop there and just accept that I'm going until. Suddenly I felt Cross latch onto my legs, trying to stop me from moving but I continued walking. He just feels like a tiny web to me.

"No don't do this!, it's suicide!, you could get killed!".

At this point, Cross is starting to annoy me, this is not like him at all, what the hell happened to the stubborn oreo?. Unless- oh he is a tsundere, why am I such a dummy sometimes.

"Please.... don't go, you'll die out there. I may not show it but you make me happy by being there when I needed it, please don't go".

I could hear a sniffle, I stopped my movement, turned my head to look down at him and felt my non existent soul ache. I could see purple tears fall from his eye sockets and he looked up at me with pleading eyes.

He reminds me of- no, I can't repeat that mistake again!, I sighed as I tried to shake Cross off but to no luck. He clinged onto me like a child to his mother would leave him at school for the first day.

"Let go Cross, I need to find out whats going on with the Aus".

I commanded as Cross didn't listened and tightened his hold on my legs. No matter what I did, he never let go and it was starting to get annoying. I couldn't hit him or push him off because he would be six feet under and we all know how I feel about that.

"I'm not letting go!, I don't want to lose you!, I'm sorry I was an asshole to you! I really am! If that's why your leaving then I'm so sorry! I didn't mean anything I said! I just didn't know how to act around you is all!".

Now I'm feeling sorry for him, I decided to give in so then he will stop crying and apologizing.

"Cross calm down!, you can come with me alright?! Please stop crying for one moment!".

I didn't intend to shout at Cross but I suppose old habits die hard. For a moment Cross went quiet but at least he stopped crying.

"I-I can?".

"Of course you can, just please stop crying, you're making me feel guilty for you".

I spoke as I offered my hand to pull him up, he let go of my legs, took my hand and I pulled him up as gently as possible. Otherwise I would've ripped his arm off but let's not think about it.

He rubbed the tears in his sockets away as I see a small smile form on his face.

"Thank you for letting me come with you".

"Don't thank me, thank yourself for making me bring you with me".

I spoke stubbornly as he chuckled but I notice a purple blush form on his cheekbones, I mentally face palmed. You've got to be joking. First Dream now Cross?!, this is a horrible nightmare!.

"Well where are we going?".

"We need to visit a few Aus to find where our destination is but I can't confirm where the destination is until we research it".

I spoke, mainly referring to my star pupils but Cross didn't know that. Atleast not yet but I will like to keep my identity and status a secret for as long as possible. You know what they say, 'only a few on a close basis need to know'.

"Yeah I need to work better on my quotes".

I mumbled as Cross just looked at me weirdly but shrug.

"Okay, which universe do we have to go through first? Actually, shouldn't we tell Core about this, about us leaving?".

"Oh I know".

Me and Cross turned our heads to see Core, they gave us a friendly smile.

"It's alright for us to go right Core?".

"Yeah it's fine, I can't really stop you anyways".

"Okay Core, which door will take us to a universe that involves infinite knowledge?".

I asked as Core pointed to the dark oak wooded door with books and pages littered on tand designed into the door.

"That should take you to TreatiseTale (Au made by me). It is a pacifist universe with lots of books that will tell you everything you need to know about where your going".

Core told us as they escorted us towards the door and smiled sadly at us.

"Thank you for your help Core".

"It's nothing, I wish you two the best of luck and (Y/N), say hi to them for me".

I was shocked when Core said that, Cross didn't understand a bit as he nodded.

"Sure we will say hi to the monsters in TreatiseTale, let's go (Y/N)".

Cross spoke as he grabbed my hand, opened the door and walked in, only to fall and drag me down with him.

"Goodbye Core!".

End of chapter.

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