Chapter Five:Helping The Bad Time Trio.

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Narrators POV.

(Y/N), Epic and Cross had managed to gather the Bad Time Trio to the medics house and left them in the hands of the Toriel there. (Y/N) instantly knew something was off because her multiverse is suppose to be a pacifist multiverse. Sure she expected the Aus to collide accidentally once in a while but she didn't expect the encounters to be violent.

"I swear I need to find those two before more lives get twisted".

(Y/N) muttered quietly as she stood up from sitting in the waiting room. Almost everyone had went back to the festival. The only one who didn't are Cross, Core and Epic. They are waiting with her to see if the Bad Time Trio are going to be fine. The Toriel had came out from the door and gave them the news.

"I've got good news, they are doing better than before but they need to rest for tonight. You can talk to them tomorrow".

(Y/N) had nodded as Core hummed and Cross became concerned. Epic however nodded in agreement.

"Now shoo, shoo so they can rest right now".

They all thanked the Toriel for the information as they left to go back to the festival. Except for (Y/N) because she had dragged Core away from the festival for a 'talk'.

"Core, what the hell happened to them?".

(Y/N) asked sternly, surprising Core but she answered her question.

"Like I said before, they were attacked by the Murder Time Trio. The Murder Time Trio consists of three Sanses that take pleasure in killing others".

Core explained as (Y/N) knew that Core wasn't explaining it all.

"What are their names and what do they look like?".

"They all look like Sans except one has purple and red eyes with his hood up and always consists of dust, that's Dust or Murder. Then there's an eyeless skeleton with black goo coming out of his eyes, that's Killer. Lastly there's one with a hole in his head and only one red eye socket, that's Horror".

Core said as (Y/N) nodded, already a picture of them had formed in her head.

"Okay thank you Core, is there anything I need to know before I ask the Bad Time Trio tomorrow?".

"No that's about it".

Core spoke as (Y/N) pinched the bridge of her nose, just when she had woken up was when the multiverse is already on the brink of collapsing. No wonder why she was growing flowers on her godly body when she had woke up. Heck she can still feel the flowers crawling and growing on her own body when she's in shift form.

"Alright well I think you need to rest Core, thanks for everything you've done".

Core smiled and nodded, thankful that (Y/N) would suggest that otherwise she wouldn't take her advice.

(Y/N)s POV.

The next day has came, I didn't go to sleep that night because a lot had been lingering on my mind. Just what had happened during my slumber and how many lives were lost?

Today is the day I'm going to figure that out by making a quick visit to the Bad Time Trio in the medics house. Once I've done that, I'm going to go find my star pupils and ask what had happened over the years.

I had made it to the medics house but Cross was there too.

"Hello there buddy, fancy seeing you here".

I chirped as Cross rolled his eyes, making me snicker as I opened the door that took me to the Bad Time Trio.

The room they are in is medium sized that consisted with three blank beds that are currently occupied. Next to the beds are night stands that had lamps, books and miniature plants each. There were about two windows viewing the forest and the town with the floral designed curtains out of the way.

"Who are you?".

Asked the Chara, who had noticed me come in, they are the only one awake with the two skeletons sleeping. In fact, the Chara is sitting up, staring at me with both red eyes glowing into my non existent soul. I can tell they are demanding an answer out of me.

"Sorry if I'm intruding on your resting time. I've came to ask some questions regarding on what happened before Core rescued you and your buddies".

"Answer my question first and maybe I'll answer your questions depending on the questions you asking".

I smiled, knowing full well that I'm going to have fun cracking this Charas shell of being on guard around me. I mean I suppose I should let anyone be on guard but what the hell, I'm a 'normal mortal', a harmless one too if I don't use my permanently-in-use strength and if no one pisses me off.

"Her names (Y/N), don't mind her, she's annoying all of the time".

I gave Cross a pouty face when he said that and had to refrain myself from punching him lightly. A single flick can destroy his very existence and I don't want that to happen.

"Okay, what do you want to know?".

The Chara asked as I then got straight to the point.

"What happened before Core came to rescue you and them?".

Cross ended up slapping me at the back of my head when I straight up asked that question.

"You moron!, you can't just ask people that straight off the bat!".

"But I want to know Cross, it's not like everyone gets ask that question everyday".

I defended myself as Cross rolled his eyes and grunted at me, Chara looked at us weirdly.

"Uhm okay then, want me to start at the beginning?".

"If you dont mind that is".

"Okay then, so it all started-".

End Of Chapter.

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