Chapter Twenty-Four:Interrogation.

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(Y/N)s POV.

I was escorted to a library that seemed heavily private. Only because it's like three stories high full of books and book shelves as it looks as fancy as it is. Not as fancy as TreatiseTale but it's it own fancy way.

"What do you want from me?, if it's about me hurting Killer I will apologize but he tempted me in a fight".

I used up an excuse but Nightmare seemed to ignore me, I wasn't happy that he ignored me but I followed him notheless. He lead me to a couch that is sitting infront of a coffee table and a fireplace.

"Sit down".

As much as I wanted to protest because of his rudeness. I didn't want to take my chances of exposing myself so I complied to his request and sat down. I gotta admit, the couch is very comfy.

"Alright then buddy, I am sure you've heard what I said ages ago so why am I here?".

"For an interrogation. You see, my subordinates had told me something of a hidden universe and you were the one that is aware of their location".

Oh that's it?, he just wants locations of the hidden universes. I don't think I trust him or anyone else enough to take them to a hidden universe and remember them.

"I'm sorry but I don't understand what you want me to do".

"He means to take us to a hidden universe (Y/N)".

I jumped when I heard Shattereds voice and he appeared from the side and walked towards Nightmare. He stood next to him with crossed arms.

"Yeah sorry, what do you mean?".

I asked, not out of annoyance but more likely out of spite. I just wanna leave so I can talk to Teddy and Ryan, Teddy is planning on making hot dogs for lunch and I don't want to miss out on it.

"Do you really think we are naive?, we know your lying about it out of spite. Now tell me (Y/N), where is the hidden universes? Especially the one with these kinds of books".

My eyes widened when Shattered revealed a few books but they are strategies for war. How did he get his hands on that?, no one could get to TreatiseTale unless- Cross. I frowned as I decided to keep my anger in check, I really want to punch Cross right now.

"Where did you get that?".

"From Cross of course, he told me that he went to a library but he forgot what it's called. I don't suppose that you know what the universe is called right?".

I did not like the way Shattered is question me, it felt familiar but I shook my head sideways.

"I do not know what your talking about".

"You can't lie to my brother or me, you took Bill, Error404 and Cross with you to another hidden universe. They forgot what it's called but you didn't say anything about it. You were trying to pose of forgetting where you have been but we know better of it".

I furrowed my brows even more. I don't think I can get out of this situation but I suppose I can tell them what and why the hidden universes are hidden.

"Oh, that's what you mean, a hidden universe. Those universes are unique as they are legendary. Do you wanna know why they are hidden in the first place?".

I asked as I watched the both of them look at eachother for a moment and then look at me.

"Go on".

"Alright, have you heard of the tale, 'The Hero, The Wizard and The Goddess'?".

I asked as Nightmare scoffed but Shattered looked dead serious in what I'm telling to both him and Nightmare.

"That's a fairytale shrouded in myth, it's not true".

"Yeah but what if it is?, if the hidden universes exist then the 'fairytale shrouded in myth' is true. Tell me, how much do you know of the story?".

I asked the two of them as Nightmare shrugged and the Shattered shook his head sideways.

"It's not important, why is this important to knowing about the hidden universes?".

"It's because, theoretically, those universes are hidden because it is the goddesses vital organs like the heart, the lungs, the brain. Think of it like this. The multiverse is your body and what better way hide your vital organs than to disguise them as universes to make them hidden".

I explained to them as Nightmare rolled his eye at my explanation.

"Get to the point".

"Alright Jeez if you've read the tale you would know the hidden universes are mentioned once. There's also a villain that has simular powers to the goddess but that villain and the goddess names were long forgotten for good reasons".

I told them but Shattered seemed interested in who the villain and the goddess is. Funny they don't know that the person who is the goddess is sitting in the room infront of them.

"If what you said is true and there were actually a goddess and a villain. Why are they unnamed?".

"Eh, beats me but from what I can imagine, if their names weren't mentioned. They must be incredibly strong and their names must be tabooned so anyone could call them".

I told them lazily, noting that I am telling the truth because people back then before the beginning of time prayed and called for me. However he has the same powers and rivals up to me in power and strength during the first war of shadows and light. I shook my head as I looked up at the two.

"Are you going to reveal where the hidden universes are?".

"Sorry but no, one you're not my friend. Two, didn't you hear what I said about hidden universes being the goddesses organs? And three. I'm hungry and I heard Teddy's making hotdogs and I want to punch Cross in the guts for taking the books from a hidden universe".

I said as I stood up and began walking away but a tendril wrapped around my waist and slammed me against the wall. To be honest it didn't feel like anything, it felt like me brushing myself against the wall when I go through the doorway.

"Are you fucking serious?".

"Whoa buddy language, you don't want to get this book monetized to mature, that's a lot of work for the author. But yeah I'm truly serious now if you would be so kind as to let me go, I'll see you for lunch".

I told him with a cheery tone as he looked angry at me but Shattered had a calculating look on his face.

"I know one things for certain, you know where a hidden universe is all because you got angry over a book that Cross had taken. Rest assure, we won't stop at nothing until you reveal where the hidden universes are located".

Finally, Nightmares tendril had let me go as I rolled my eyes. They may try as much as they like but I won't budge.

"Alright then, I'd like to see you try".

End of Chapter.

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