Chapter Twenty-Five:Bill's Bad Influence.

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Narrators POV.

After the interrogation, (Y/N) had left the private library to go to the Dining Room. Lunch was almost ready and she was excited for lunch. On her way to the dining room. She felt someone was following her. She turned around and saw no one behind her. She then turned around and saw Bill with a wide grin on his face.

"Oh hi Bill".

She greeted making him stunned but he didn't care, he always tried to scare her.

"Good afternoon my lady, it's nice to see you too".

He offered his hand for her to shake but she didn't, she knew he was trying to make a deal with her. Instead she gave him a fist bump, which stunned him even more.

"Nice to see you too Bill, how have things been?".

(Y/N) asked as she continued on walking, she left Bill for a moment and he caught up to her by teleporting beside her. He proceeded to float next to her.

"Things have been well, very well indeed, I'm wondering when will you ever shake my hand?".

"Well I'll consider it some day but not now, I am on a mission to the Dining Room".

She replied as Bill raised an eyebrow.

"Why can't you make a deal with me? I can give you a million things you'll ever want. I can give you an infinity of many things".

Bill had tried to pursuade her but it didn't work with her, she knew he was a bad influence.

"Sorry but I kinda already have that stuff, maybe not infinite and besides, nothing can beat Teddy's cooking".

(Y/N) boldly stated, making Bill roll his yellow eye lights. He'll give her that, nothing can beat Teddy's cooking.

"Fair enough. So I heard of the little Fairytale called 'The Hero, The Wizard and The Goddess' from your little chat with the boss's".

Bill started off, making (Y/N) tilted her head.

"Yes, and?".

"I'm just saying, Nightmare is right, the fairytale is just a myth. I've been alive for thousands of years, I would've heard or saw Lionheart or Merlin but I never did. I'm not sure about the Hidden Universes but I know they are a thing".

Bill shared to her his disbelief as (Y/N) nodded.

"That's fine, I understand why you would say that. No one could've been alive for that long, not even the gods".

(Y/N) told Bill, understanding his doubts as he nodded. It was silent for a moment until he said.

"So where's you're guard dog at?".

"Oh Ryan, yeah I kinda beat Killer in a fight and Ryan took Killer to the medical wing or something like that with Teddy".

(Y/N) told Bill honestly as he laughed at Killers downfall.

"Oh man, that is the most funniest thing ever HAHA!".

"Uhm I'm not sure what's funny in the story but everyone has their own sense of humor".

She said honestly as Bill wiped a tear from his eye.

"Killer had always been dumb, I wonder if he even has a brain to begin with but he doesn't. His own ego is his stupidity".

Bill told (Y/N), making her frown at Bill, she stopped her tracks, grabbed his arms and pinned him against the wall.

"Now that's not very nice insulting someone's intellect. He may have been foolish to fight me but he wasn't stupid in fighting, I will admit. He tried finding my weak spots but he couldn't find them in time. Is that how a dumb egoist fight Bill?".

(Y/N) asked, her grip tightening as her face had darkened. She didn't only hate it when people underestimate her, she hated when other people estimate others. Especially those she had seen on a close hand combat. Bill couldn't help but blush a yellow tint when (Y/N) had him pinned against the wall like that. The way she looked at him and how she spoke. It made his non-existent heart beat as he grin.

"What are you going to do my lady? Punish me?".

(Y/N) cringed when he said that and realized what she had done, she felt her face redden and let go of him.

"What I'm saying is don't underestimate people just because you're a triangular demon. I'm sure there is someone out there that'll beat you and it won't be pretty".

(Y/N) told him as she made it to the Dining Room and left Bill behind. He was stunned, how did she know his previous form was a triangle? No one knew of his previous form, not even Nightmare or Shattered knew. He shook his head and float in, he'll ask her another day.

(Y/N)s POV.

I finally made it to the Dining room, I'm excited for hotdogs today, I've been looking forward to them even since I've heard of it.

Just as I enter the Dining room. I saw Killer wearing a cast on his right arm and Dust was just sitting next to him on his phone. I decided to talk to them, especially to Killer, I have to apologize to him.

"Hey guys, is everything alright?".

I asked, Dust simply ignored me and Killer seemed terrified of me. I didn't have to know, I can smell it radiating off him.

"Please tell me you're not here to break my other arm".

"What? No, of course not, I just want to formally apologize for breaking you're arm. It must hurt like hell when I punched you in the arm and broke some of you're ribs".

I apologized sincerely as he groaned but he looked at me and accepted my apology.

"I'll accept you're apology but since I have watch over you tomorrow, you will have to do anything I say".

"But within reason".

I spoke to him as he looked at me stunned but scoffed and looked away, I noticed a red blush on his face.

"Fine, within reason I suppose, can you give me a nickname now? I feel a bit left out with Cross and Horror having nicknames".

(Y/N) snorted as Dust rolled his eyelights, he was listening to the conversation and quite frankly he didn't care. The one thing he will worry about is that he will have to watch her next week after Killers watch.

"Alright then Killer, you're name shall be Miles".

End of Chapter.

-Cross. (Clingy But Silent Friend).
-Horror/Teddy. (The Food Lover Friend).
-Killer/Miles. (Ego Stupidity Friend).

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2023 ⏰

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