Chapter Twenty-Two:Befriending Horror.

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Narrators POV.

It's been a week since (Y/N) had been taken hostage by the Villian Sans Squad. She decided to not try another escape attempt for it was proven futile with the barrier outside the castle. Besides, she has two bracelets blocking her magical powers and tracking her every move, not that she uses her powers much anyways.

Since she can't escape with her escapee plans. She decided to take a different approach and get to know them. A strange strategy if you think about it but it's proven effective when (Y/N) began rebonding with Cross again.

In her opinion, it was easy rebuilding her relationship with Cross as she is usually seen hanging around Cross. What she didn't know is that Cross had gotten even more attached to her like as if he's her personal dog. He's very happy that she had taken him back, even though he was doubtful at first. He made a promise to himself that he won't betray her again and stuck to her like glue.

(Y/N) wasn't done there, if she wanted to get out of the castle in one piece without anyone following her. She's going to befriend every skeleton living in the castle and finally leave for good. The question is: who will she befriend next?

(Y/N)s POV.

I wondered around the castle, I completely dropped the escape plans and decided to befriend them. After all, it should be easy enough for me, I befriended Cross and he is clinging onto me for some reason. Like I was always accompanied by him no matter what, it was getting weird for me. In order for me to leave as freely as possible, I need to befriend everyone and that is starting with who is the nicest first.

I spent most of the day with Cross wondering who I can befriend first and in order for me to befriend someone else. I need to know their power levels and their strengths and from what I've observed last week, Bill, Error404, Shattered, Nightmare and Error are the strongest here. I just need to know who's the weakest or the nicest here and begin befriending them.

I wondered my way into the kitchen after Cross had left me to report to Shattered about something that isn't worth mentioning.

When I set foot into the kitchen, I found myself in the presence of Horror preparing lunch. I noticed his jacket is nowhere to be found as he's wearing his beige sweater, shorts and an apron. I took note of him, from my observations, he seems to be the nicest one on the team apart from Cross. I'm going to befriend him first, I coughed, catching his attention as he stopped and turned around to look at me.

"Do you need anything ehm-".

"Oh uh, my names (Y/N)".

I repeated to him for the sixth time, he doesn't have good memory but I know he means well deep down.

"Okay (Y/N), do you need anything?".

"Well, I'm just curious on what your making for lunch and if I can join in with you if that's cool with you?".

I shared to him my thoughts as he raised an eyebrow but answered notheless.

"I'm making tacos and sandwiches for lunch today, most of us take turns making meals everyday since there are so many of us. There are days where we end up making foods for ourselves".

Horror explained to me as I nodded but frowned out of curiosity notheless.

"Why is that?".

"Well, sometimes after missions our bosses sends us on. We get cranky with eachother to the point where we make our own foods or skip out on a meal ourselves".

I don't know why but I felt both pity and more curious on what missions is Nightmare and Shattered are sending them on. I decided to leave that question for another day as I wanted to make something with Horror.

The Multiverses Soul (Sans Au x Goddess Reader).Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz