Chapter Eleven:Picnic Time In Undertale.

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(Y/N)s POV.

It's been a week and I've befriended everyone last chapter by bonding with them. I'm not sure if I can say the same for Cross. He has been more distant with everyone but he clings onto me like glue which feels nice to say the least.

But that's not what I was thinking about right now. What I was thinking about right now on this comfy blue couch in the living room is how to get the culprits quickly. The sooner I capture them, the sooner I can get to Life's Garden quicker.

"Hey (Y/N)!, wanna come with us to the market downtown? Me, Chara and Asriel are planning a picnic later on for everyone because Cross seems sad lately".

My thinking was interuppted by Frisk, who is standing infront of me. Maybe I should leave the planning for later and focus on this instead. After all, Cross isn't with me at the moment so maybe if I go with the kids then it wouldn't hurt for a moment right?

"Sure why not, I've got nothing better to do anyways".

I said as I stood up from the couch and followed the three to the front door of the house.

Narrators POV.

(Y/N), Frisk, Chara and Asriel had left their house and neighborhood as they walked into town.

The sky is cloudless as the sun shine brightly on them. It was then when they came into town. The humans there had noticed Chara and congratulated Chara on taking down the pink souled human. Chara hated the attention given to them because they know that these humans are racists as hell to monsters.

It did not matter that Frisk is the ambassador of monsters and Chara is the hero of both monsters and humans. No matter what, humans will always be racists to monsters. Sure only some humans choose to accept monsters but that is only a small percentage and that did not make (Y/N) happy.

"What's up with the crowd Frisk?".

"Oh, Chara had kinda saved our home town from a girl named Betty Noire. Her soul trait is FEAR and she had tried making both humans and monsters fear her and eachother. Unfortunately it didn't work when Chara had came along and stopped her from doing so".

Frisk explained as (Y/N) had notice something wrong with Frisk's sentence.

"What do you mean by kinda Frisk?".

(Y/N) asked as Frisk went silent but Asriel ended up answering for Frisk.

"Frisk meant that Chara did stop- ehm HER, from destroying half of the homes but only a few civilians got killed while a whole community got hurt".

(Y/N) knew something was off when Asriel decided to cover for Frisk but didn't get the time to answer again when Chara had came back.

"I'm sorry about that Frisk, Asriel and (Y/N), let's just go shopping".

Chara answered as Asriel nodded along with Frisk and (Y/N) as they had continued down the market.

As they were all shopping, (Y/N) is stumped over what Frisk had said about Betty's soul trait. A soul trait by the name FEAR? She had never heard, let alone, made or remember a soul trait named FEAR.

She remembers, DETERMINATION, JUSTICE, KINDNESS, PERSEVERANCE, INTEGRITY, BRAVERY, PATIENCE and HOPE. Those are the main soul traits that her Star Pupils possessed but there are other soul traits that are rare to gain but she had made.

Here is Empathy, Tolerance, Forgiveness, Humility, Dedication, Heroism, Constancy, Happiness and Mercy. (Y/N) had hoped to give monsters these soul traits but in the end, she gave monsters a mix of all nine soul traits. Meanwhile, humans get to have seperate soul traits like her star pupils.

The Multiverses Soul (Sans Au x Goddess Reader).Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang