Chapter Seventeen:The Dream Or Flashback.

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(Y/N)s POV.

"Hello my beautiful goddess, it is so nice to see you again".

My eyes widened when I hear the familiar voice, it can't be. I was back in my original universe in my original form eons ago. The flowers had bloomed to (F/C) roses. The willow had bloomed red leaves as I see no white spirits anywhere.

I turned around to be met by a familiar face, he bore a happy smile on his face. His mint colored pupils are mesmerizing as ever. He wore a blue cloak and a medieval styled doublet with boots and a slightly broken sword on his hoister.


I whimpered out as I felt tears leave my eyes, he gave me a happy smile and opened his arms.

"It's me, I'm here my goddess, I'll always be here for you".

I couldn't help it, I launched myself at him and wrapped my arms and wings around him. Despite being taller than him, I clinged onto him like my life depended on it. He let out a laugh as he hugged me.

"Don't worry my goddess, I won't be leaving you anytime soon. I'll always be here when you need or want me, I'll always be here for you".

I felt my tears leave my eyes quicker, I didn't want to let go of him. I never wanted to let go of him, soon I see my fifth star pupil coming up to me with a happy smile on her face. She saw me hugging Aeneas and I see her smile brighten.

"Oh am I interuppting something mentor?".

"N-No, Gaia, y-you didn't".

I hesitantly let go but I held Aeneas hand so he won't disappear from me. My fifth pupil shrugged as she approached me.

"First of all, I'd like to say my thanks to you for letting me marry who I want mentor".

"Don't thank me, thank Aeneas and Merlin for changing my mind on mortals when I met your husband".

I told, remembering what I have done. I basically threatened Gaias husband to protect and love her or else he'll be answering to me and my second pupil. Gaia nodded.

"Well anyways, I'm expecting a child".

I felt my eyes widen, along with a sort of smile as I dragged Aeneas with me towards Gaia.

"Okay, I'd like to congratulate you on expecting a child but now I'm ready to get Fate and my second star pupil here".

"No no no, don't bring them here, my husband heeded your warning, I don't think he can handle them here".

I saw Gaia's eyes flash with fear as Aeneas went next to her.

"She's right though, it's not everyday you meet the two people that can decide your fate or time your death quite early".

I frowned at Aeneas defending Gaias husband despite not meeting him. I sighed as I gave in.

"Fine, he gets to live another day".

I told Gaia as she looked at me with the most happiest smiles ever. Aeneas let out a sigh of relief.

"I'm just excited to be meeting your kids Gaia. Sure Destiny and Fate have twins that is apart of Merlins magical group. Still, I'm excited to meet your kids, maybe I can give them their roles before they are born".

I told as Gaia smiled gleefully at me.

"Yeah, you could give them the roles I was supposed to have but I went under Life's wing and created landscapes instead".

"That's not a bad idea, how long have you been pregnant for?".

I asked as Gaia sweat dropped. That ain't a good sign.

The Multiverses Soul (Sans Au x Goddess Reader).Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora