Chapter Fifthteen:The Capture.

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(Y/N)s POV.

Oh you've got to be kidding me, a lot of things is happening at once and I can't catch a break. First I've defeated my opponents that actually held something I thought I permanently destroyed eons ago. Now this universe is being attacked by me and Cross's suspected culprits.

"Get everyone to safety Sans, me and Cross can handle this".

I ordered Sans as he looked at me with small pupils, indicating them to be wide and fearful.

"No, I can't just leave it to you two to stop those insane maniacs. Not without me atleast, you two must be exhausted from defeating that spider".

I raised an eye brow as I hear Cross let out a sigh.

"It pains me to say this but you're right, you can help us".

Cross told, making me raise both of my eye brows. I guess from spending a lot of time with Sans and his friends had soften him up a bit.

"Okay fine, come on Sans, if we want this universe to be peaceful like before then we will have to evade the murderers".

I told as I started running, leaving Sans and Cross behind as I used my magic to send out a distress signal from this universe to AlphaTale for Core. I don't want anyone to die, not like before eons ago.

"(Y/N) wait up!".

I heard the shouts of Cross as I paced through the nearly destroyed city to find mine and Cross's suspects.

Narrators POV.

"Capture the Frisk in this universe, along the way, we will destroy everything that stands in our way!".

Shouted out a goopy skeleton to a whole group of maniac, insane murderers who laughed crazily. Among the murderers were the Murder Time Trio. They hadn't forgotten the failed deal and are willing to find Classic and force him to watch as they kill off his friends and family.

Once all of the Villians have left in different directions, no doubt leaving a trail of chaos behind them. It was a matter of time before (Y/N), Cross and Sans had ran into the Murder Time Trio.

"Ah Classic, just the person we were looking for".

Dust told as (Y/N) went into defensive mode, along with Cross and Sans.

"What do you want with my universe?".

"Oh nothing, just want your Frisk and their determination is all".

Classic's eyes widened at Killers words as Cross frowned but (Y/N) was shaking in anger. She can't let Fate and Destiny's original descendant lose their determination or better yet get them killed. She would rather bury herself in a hole than do that.

"If you want them, your going to have to go through me".

(Y/N) told as she stood infront of Cross, surprising the Murder Time Trio as (Y/N) summoned her withered sword in her hand.

"Huh, you think I'm going to go easy on you just because your a girl?".

That was one way to tick (Y/N) off as she felt her hold on the sword tighten, along with a huge red tick forming on her head.

"Oh you poor mortals are going to die and it's going to be slow and painful".

In an instant, she launched herself at Dust as she used her fist to punch him in the face but with restraint. Dust went flying through a whole row of buildings as Horror and Killer went to strike her but she kicked Horror and used her blade against Killer. Horror went flying to another building as Killers blade had broke when it made contact with (Y/N)s sword.

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