Chapter 12

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I fell to the ground panting. We had started my training this week. Everyone's mindset was that we could fight off Slade just long enough until I could control myself again. They don't know him like I do.

He won't stop until he's got what he wants or more. And he wants to control my planet Allegrion.

Allegrion has had many civil wars between The Council and the Black Hawk Organization. The BHO has never agreed with what The Council does and they have always cause trouble for them. The BHO planned to overthrow the government. Whether Slade is a part of the BHO or is working on his own; I have no idea.

The only things that I know are that I have to keep training in order to survive the future and I won't let anyone hurt my friends.

For the past couple hours I've trained with each of the Titans; starting with Cy and then finishing it off with Robin. I felt like he was going easy on me because we were now dating. He wouldn't try hard to block anything I threw out at him and he wasn't hitting hard either. I understand that he doesn't want to hurt me but he needs to in order to prepare ourselves for a proper fight.

I threw a sharp roundhouse to his stomach and he lost his breath. I was about to throw another punch when he said," Okay, I think we're done today. You seem pretty tired."

I gave him a small glare; I did feel a little tired but I could keep fighting. Did he think I was weak? That I can't hit hard because I'm a girl? Why wasn't he fighting at his best? Doesn't he get that we can't just fight like children fight over a toy?

"Hey, Robin?"


"Why weren't you fighting like you usually do? I mean the others said you are able to fight amazingly but no offence, what you were giving me back there was some absolute BS. And don't give me that idiotic 'I didn't want to hurt you' BS because that's just low."

"Well then I don't know what to tell you Sam. I didn't want to hurt you," he started," so I just didn't fight to my full strength. It's not because I think you're weak because I know you're not but-"

I cut him off, "Then why didn't you fight like usual?! I don't give a living crap if I get hurt!" Tears were now streaming down my face as Robin came over to me and pulled me in close.

"But I care Sam. I don't want you getting hurt by anyone especially me and Slade."

I looked up at him full of doubt and worry and fear.

"But then how am I supposed to fight my best when I'm not even trained properly? Look Robin I understand where your reasoning is coming from but if you really really didn't want me to get hurt you would train your hardest with me like the others do."

"Okay," he started slowly," but if you do get hurt because of me then-"

"Then I'll just have to get revenge on you." I stood up on my tippy toes and kissed him. "Now come on, I think we all deserve a break, how about some pizza?"


I started to walk back to my room when Robin grabbed my hand and pulled me into a kiss. We deepened the kiss and I wrapped my arms around his neck as he brought me even closer to him. I felt like the moment could last forever as all the butterflies in my stomach soon faded away. I felt at home when I was with him, complete with him.

"Ahem, I'd rather not see my two best friends sticking their tongues down each others throats."

We broke apart to see Beastboy standing in the doorway and then we both blushed a shade of crimson red.

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