Chapter 7

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I gained consciousness and my arms feel like they weigh 5 pounds each. And my head feels like it's on fire. I check my surroundings and I'm not at my old school anymore. I'm in an old underground factory. I get up and my arms have 10 pounds added to them from chains. The actual chain was long and connected to the wall. There was a metal bracelet on my right ankle with a long chain that attached it to the wall. I try to see how far I can go and soon learn that it's not that far. Only to the middle of the floor. I look around and feel like a caged animal. I must look and I feel lost.

"Confused at all??"

I turn around to see Derek. Memories came flooding through my head. Derek hurting me. Hurting the others. I remember I saw Robin's sad face just before I blacked out.

"What do you want with me you backstabbing traitor! You horrible friend! You son of a--"

"Now now now. Language like that won't do any good will it?"

"Where am I? Why did you take me? What happened to you?!"

"So many questions. Why don't we let OUR master answer them."

"What do you mean by our master?"

"He means me."

I look to the sound of the voice but it feels like it's coming from inside my head. 'Did I really hear that or was it in my head?'


I turn to my right and Slade comes from within the shadows.


"It is nice to see you too Sam."

"How did you get inside my head?! Why am I here?!"

"Well you see, ever since I saw you escape from my gasp 4 years ago I was sent on a mission to find you."

"What do you mean mission?! Talk Slade!"

I go run towards him but the chains hold me back when I'm just at the point where I can kick his stupid face.

"Not now young apprentice. We must train."

"I am NOT your apprentice. Get it Slade?! You have this idiot for an apprentice." I gesture toward Derek. Derek walks towards me and punches me in the head and kicks me in the gut. I spit out blood.

Derek walks away and stands in the corner. Slade comes towards me and I back away until I reach the wall. Then he's only inches from my face. Then he unlocks the chains. I rub my wrists while still on the floor sitting.

"Get up."

"What if I don't want to?!"

"You will unless you want your friends to die."

"What do you mean?"

"You see. When my wonderful apprentice gave the little 'titans' those bracelets-that have now attached to their skin-have viruses in them and with one single push of this button they will all die a slow and painful death. So I think you should listen to me."

I stood up.

"Fine I will. As long as you tell me how to destroy the bracelets. If you destroy them and keep the titans safe. I swear I will stay with you by choice. But please just destroy the bracelets. Now."

I looked at him and it seemed to me like he was making up is mind.


He took out a blue button and pressed it. He walked me to a hundred computer screens. Half of them were off or not working. 25 out of the 50 were working. 10 out of the 25 weren't fuzzy. All of them showed the bracelets falling off of their wrists. I calmed down a bit.

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