Chapter 2

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When I open my eyes I see the familiar scene of where I was earlier. I looked at my surroundings. I was lying on a semicircle couch. In the front of the room was a HUGE flat screen. And when I say huge I mean HUGE! And behind the tv were huge glass windows.

"Ah. I see your up and doing well."

"Yes I'm up. But it's my feelings that decide if I'm well or not." I spat. I turn around to see Robin.

"Look. I'm sorry. It's just been rough these past few days. My name is--"

"Sam. I know. You told me. That was a pretty nasty fall. You ok?"

"Like I said I'm fine. Now I should get going." I started to walk towards the door.

"Wait! You have to meet the others!" He ran towards me and grabbed my shoulder. I tried to walk away but his grip tightened. Good gosh! Is he trying to rip my whole arm off?! I pull my shoulder towards me and turn around.

"No, Robin I woul---" I look down. Robin is on his knees trying to do his best puppy face. Make. The. Pain. Stop. I am not in the mood for my other arm about to ripped off so I accept.

"Fine, Robin. I'll meet the 'others'."

"Good! Now sit while I go get them," he starts walking but turns just before he goes,"and don't try to leave."

Crap. Now what am I supposed to do. Well I should at least get freshened up. Cause' I'm sure I smell like a pig. I have to find a bathroom. It has to be around here someplace. I start walking away down the hall. Luckily it wasn't too far! All I had to do is make a few turns here and there.

As I enter the bathroom I see that it's only a half bath. But it still has a mirror. I look through the mirror and see that my face is a mess and so is my hair! I had little scratches all over my arms and one huge gash on my upper left arm. This must've been from being thrown into a tree again. I lift up my shirt and see a huge footprint of a bruise. Well that certainly hurts. I turn on the cool water of the sink and begin to wash my face.


I walked over to BB's door and knocked.

"What do you want?! I'm trying to beat Cyborg's high score here!"

"Fine. I guess you wouldn't like to meet the new girl." I look over at him. He immediately gets up and runs to the living room. Next is to get Star.

I walk to Star's room and knock.

"Yes? What would bring you the pleasure to come and see me?"

"Hi Star. I was wondering if you wanted to meet the new girl?"

"Oh yes! Most definitely!! She is my new friend!" I walk away from the door and head over to Raven's room. I knock on her door then step back. Wouldn't want her to think I was coming in.

"Hey Rav! Wanna go meet the new girl?"

She came out of her room.

"Do I honestly have a choice?" She walked away.

Now time to talk to Cyborg.

"Hey Cy. Do you want to go meet that new girl?"

"Sure I got nothin' else better to do."

I walk with him to the living room. I look around to see what everyone's doing but Sam isn't here.

"Where is she?! Did she leave?!"

"I don't know but we she probably go and check around outside and inside."

"Good idea Cyborg. You and Starfire go check outside. Beastboy, you and Raven come with me. We'll check everywhere in here." And with that everyone split up.

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