Chapter 13

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After lunch we all decided to go to the park. Beastboy, Robin, and Cy were playing football.

Or at least they were trying to because I don't know how you can play with an odd number, let alone only by 3 people.

Raven was reading a spell casting book in the shade of a tree, hovering only a couple inches above the ground.

Starfire was flying around taking in the scenery. All the kids running around and joggers and couples.

Me? I brought my guitar and keyboard and I'm working on a new song. I found a bench and set up the keyboard. I also brought a notebook. I started messing around pressing random keys.

I found a nice tune and repeated it over and over to get it stuck in my memory. I wrote down the notes then unlocked my guitar case. I got the pick and began strumming the notes with the guitar. Next challenge. The words.

I was humming when it got darker. I looked up to see Robin looking at my notebook.

"Nuh-uh. You are NOT looking through this at all. Taken or single the inlet one who sees this is me."

Robin put his hands up as a surrender.

"Alright sweetie. Just curious. I've never seen you so focused before. Well besides kicking Slade's ass. But that's a given."

"Language Mr. And yes whenever I'm writing I'm always concentrated. Always."

"May I join you with this concentrating? I promise not to look!"

He was giving me his puppy eyes. Well from what I could tell with his sunglasses on.

"I'm gonna take a break but you're welcome to sit with me. What happened to football?"

"Oh Cy and BB started an argument on who's better with video games. I didn't want to get in between that." He pointed at what looked like a screaming match between Cy and BB.

I chuckled and rested my head on Robin's shoulder. The sun was out and shining. Everyone was having a good time. We were all happy and carefree! Everything was so nice today.

That was about to change.

First we heard explosions. Then screams. Everywhere.

I whipped my head around to see mini explosions being set off all over the place. I got to my feet and scanned the area. Fires had started in small patches. The rest of the Titans were already running around trying to put out the fires and find out who started this.

"Robin! Go get the other Titans and get everyone away from the park!"

He nodded in response and we both went in different directions. I ran to the first fire and stuck out my hands as I absorbed in the heat. Soon the fire was out and I was running back and forth to extinguish every flame I saw. I wasn't working fast enough and I was being engulfed with the heat. I put my arms above my head for defense when I heard a sizzling of embers around me.

Raven and Star levitated water and BB transformed into an elephant spewing water everywhere. Cyborg and Robin were still helping everyone get away safely. There was smoke everywhere and it was getting harder to breathe by the second.

I scouted for anyone else that would need help. I saw two silhouettes; one was leaning on the other - limping. The smoke clouded my view so I couldn't clearly see who it was.

"Sam?" It was Robin on the walkie-talkie . "Where are you everyone is back except for you."

"Sorry, there's a couple other people here that need help."

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