Chapter 11

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Raven's P.O.V

"But Sam-"

"What Raven? That's it."

"Alright." I stated in defeat.

I knew what was going to happen. If Sam wasn't going to tell them then I was.

"It is nice that you and Sam got to know each other back then" Star said.

"Yeah, you guys are like best friends! Like me and Cy!" BB replied.

"Yeah. But she left out one tiny detail."

They all stared in awe.

"Sam is the Edana Phoenix. There is a prophecy about Allegrion. It states that there is one savior for Allegrion. That savior saves the innocent but blood shall be spilt and sacrifices are to be made. One close to the savior will turn. They will bring peace to all or end Allegrion as they know it.

The Black Hawk Organization has been corrupting Allegrion's government since before Sam and I were born. The Council wanted to keep it low key, and people barely knew that Sam would be the savior of the people of Allegrion.

On her birthday each year she doesn't have any control over her powers. When it was her 9th birthday she gave me this," I pointed to my scar," it was an accident. I know and you all know she would never do anything like that on purpose. It's almost her 16th birthday and she isn't in Allegrion. She lost some of her memory when she came here but I guess she's regained all of her memories over the past few years. I think she's supposed to save everyone from the war between the Council and the Black Hawk Organization. That has been going on from since before we were born. It's a lot to take care of."

"I can see why Sam would not want to talk about it." Starfire said.

"Yeah." I said.

"I'm going to go check on her." Robin said.


Robin walked away and towards Sam's room.

I looked to the others when finally Cy spoke what we all were thinking:

"He totally falling hard for her."

We all nodded in agreement.

Robin's POV:

I walked down the hall to her room and knocked on the door. A voice shouted to me and told me I could come in.

When I walked in I noticed Sam had done some decorating of her own. She wasn't even here for a month and there were drawings upon drawings that she hung up on the wall.

I looked at one that was the most detailed. It was a sketch of a girl and a guy. The girl was on a swing that was attached to a branch of a tall oak tree. She looked so happy in it. The same for the guy next to her. He had his arms around her and had the biggest smile on his face.

The girl had long hair in a ponytail and was wearing skinny jeans, Vans, and a band tshirt reading: All Time Low. The guy had hair that was gelled up and was wearing jeans, a tshirt, jacket, and converse.

I stepped back from the picture and realized something. The picture was of her with me.

I turned around and Sam was sitting on the edge of her bed. I walked over to her and sat down. She faced me and tears were streaming down her face. As I looked into her eyes I noticed how beautiful they were. A gorgeous olive green with specks of dark forest green.

"Sam, what's wrong? Are you okay?" I know it was an idiotic question but it's always good to ask.


I looked at her with sympathy and I took her into my arms while she broke down in more tears.

"Why can't I just be someone else? Its not fair," she was sobbing into my neck.

"Shhh," I was rubbing her back trying to calm her down, " Its going be alright. We'll all help you train for your birthday. Maybe it won't happen. You never know."

"No it will happen. I know it will. And this year my birthday is going to suck even more. It's going to be my 16th birthday. Why can't I just be a regular teenage girl and celebrate a sweet 16 like it should be celebrated. A party with friends and family. With good music. And lots of food. And we could dance and watch movies. But no I am stuck with some stupid prophecy and I hate my birthday. Its so stupid! I don't have a family. Every friend I have ends up getting hurt or hurts me. I wish I just wasn't even bor-" I cut her off.

"Don't you dare say anything like that around me. We love having you here. We are your family now whether you like it or not. We will NEVER hurt you. So don't say that."

I looked down at her and she looked up at me. And then we both leaned in and kissed.

Sam's POV:

I looked up at him and leaned in. He licked my lower lip and I let him kiss me more. I pulled me in closer and I smiled. I really did like Robin and now I knew he liked me. We pulled away and he wiped away any residue of tears that were on my face. I really think I feel safe here.

"So," I started," I'm guessing you saw my drawings..."

"Yes I did, I liked the one of you and me with the swing."

I blushed. I had forgotten I hung that one up.

"Well I'm glad you like it. I think we should go back out there."

"We don't have to if you don't want to. They may ask more questions, well BB might."

"No, it's fine. I'm all good now," we both stood up and I went onto my tippy toes and gave him a peck on the cheek," and its because of you."

We walked out of my room hand in hand.


Hello my lovelies. I'm sorry. I am possibly the worst human being on earth. I just got the motivation to update this story again. I thought I was just going to bail but my conscience was nagging at me, telling me to write for those who like this story! I can't promise anything about quick updates because I am usually doing art hw or studying or other stuff. But now I'm really sort of liking how this is turning out. Plus.... Robin and Sam are together now!!!!!! I suck at kissing scenes but I'll try my best. Thanks for sticking around!!!!! If you want them to have a ship name just comment! <3

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