Chapter 3

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I grab the gloves that are in my pocket and put them on. Then I bend down and tie my combat boots up real tight. I'm preparing myself for the hardest training course yet. Before I just trained by the training courses I tried to make. Beastboy read my worried face like an open book.

"Hey don't worry. You'll do fine. Besides it can't be too hard."

"I hope not."

We walk down to the training course which was just outside the tower. I scanned the whole course. I saw unusual cracks and crevices in the rocks. They must have some sort of gun or laser in them. Ok I think I'm good to go.

"Ok I'm ready."

"Alright all you have to do is defeat the enemies and we'll time you."

"Wait timed?! I'm being timed?!"

"Ready. Set. GO!"

My heart was pounding when I saw the green light flash. First came the lasers. In the exact spot in where I saw them. I created six fireballs and threw them. That took out all the lasers. Next came robots. Wait robots?! ARE THEY TRYING TO KILL ME?! Ugh well I dropped the fireball idea because these robots are huge and they kept piling out. I created a sword from fire and stayed on the ground level. I slashed and basically stabbed them each in the stomach. But they kept piling out. Next I created three fire bombs hopefully this would take out a lot of them. I threw them into the crowd and they blew up into flames. One robot left. And it's the hugest one ever.

I guess it was hand to hand combat time. I punched and kicked. But it did basically nothing. The robot picked me up and threw me into the rock wall.

"Robin!!! Dial it down a bit! She's getting pummeled!" Beastboy screamed.

"NO! I can do this!" I countered. I took out my grappling hook from my vest pocket and swung it till it got caught on a tree. I took the rope and flew threw the air. I got in the flying sidekick position and kicked the robot head on. I created a fire bow and arrow. I took the arrow and shot it right through the robots head.

"Yeah! I did it!!!!" I turn around and all of the titans are staring at me like I have another eye in the middle of my face.

"Um everything ok you guys?"

They just pointed to the control screen. I finished the course within a minute and a half.

"That was the fastest time we have. Your on the team!" Cyborg said.

"Really? That's great!," I said,"now um I'm kind of tired so do I just crash on the couch or.."

"Oh! Yes! We do have a room for you. Please follow me!" Starfire said. She grabbed my arm and we were off.

"Starfire could you let go of my arm?"

"Oh why yes. I am sorry."

"No your fine. But I think I should just crash on the couch tonight."

"You are going to crash into the couch?"

"No it means sleep."

"Oh. Ok. If you must."

I walk to the front room and go lie down on the couch. Within a second I'm asleep and reality is gone for the night.

Robins pov:

I walk to the computer room for more info on Slade and pass the living room.

*hears snores*

Who. Is. That?! Gosh I never knew someone could snore that loud! I walk over to the couch and see who it is. Sam.

She's sprawled out across the couch. But then she does the cutest thing. She curls up into a little ball and stops snoring. Then she just sleeps quietly. I wonder why she isn't in her new room. Oh well. I pick her up and her head hangs forward. I go into her room and set her down on her bed and start to walk out when she starts talking.

"No. No. No dad. Don't. I don't want you to go. Who is that. D-daddy who is that man? NOOO!!!"

She starts wildly kicking and punching into the air.

"Hey. Hey. Hey. Sam," I tried lightly shaking her shoulder," Sam!"

This wasn't working. I shook her even harder until she woke up.

Tears were streaming down her face.

"What happened Sam? Are you ok?"

"Y-yeah. I think so."

I had no idea if this was girl stuff so I started to walk away when all of a sudden.

"Wait. Robin?"


"Could you stay here just for a little while?"

"Uh sure."

I walk over to her bed and site down. She lays her head on my lap and quickly falls asleep. This time it's just nice peaceful sleep.

About ten minutes later I decide that I should go.

"I have to find Slade. He could hurt my friends or worse. Sam." I mutter to myself.

Sams pov:

I slightly open one eye. I hear Robin talking to himself.

"I have to find Slade. He could hurt my friends or worse. Sam."

Oh no. This is exactly what I didn't want. He's gotten attached to me and I've gotten too attached to him and the others. Slade can't hurt any of my family. Not anymore. I won't allow it. In the morning I'll ask everyone about what they know about Slade. It might bring up my past. The very thing I was just dreaming of. But it's worth it. For now I should get some sleep. If Slade hurts any of the titans he will pay. And it won't be good.

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