Chapter 10

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"So," I started," I am something called the Edana Phoenix. I learned this when I was about 5 years old. The Edana Phoenix was first created with a curse. That curse stated that when the 100th generation turns 16 they will either bring peace or terror. In previous generations the Edana Phoenix would be taught until their strength was unbearably strong. There was only one problem. The Black Hawk Organization."

"The Black Hawk Organization, or as it's known, the BHO was and still is ruthless. The BHO killed many people for more power or at least that's what I've been told. They are a rebellion in my country. That was the reason I got separated with my family. My real family. Anyways, they rebelled against our 'government system' I guess is what you call it here. We just call it the Council. The Council had the Head of the Council and his advisers. We were taught to do anything he wanted us to do. We did have strict rules but they were to keep us safe. So one day my father asked me to come with him to his meeting with the Council. From what I can vaguely remember, the council told us that I was the 100th generation of the Edana Phoenix. They told us that I had to practice non-stop and give them reports on how well I was doing. I just listened to what my father said. Of course there were some occasions where I could stop. But those were rare."

"You should tell them how we met." Raven included.

"Wait wait wait! You mean to tell me you knew Raven WAAAYYY before we did? Like when we were kids?" Beastboy asked.

"Yep. And we met unexpectedly actually. It was mid-summer-I was about 7-practicing in a desert close to the village I lived in. I was practicing by engraving drawings into the ground when I heard footsteps nearby. I remember looking around until I saw you, Raven. Didn't you get scared or something like that?"

"Yeah. I was doing my first travel from Azarath and got lost. Then I saw a bright light so I followed it" she replied.

"Yep. So I heard her walking towards me and she told me she was lost. We talked and I told her my story she told me hers and we were instantly best friends. Umm I remember after talking in asked what she could do and she asked me what I could do. We showed each other and were even happier. I took her to my house in the village and my family welcomed her. Except for my brother. Kegan. He wasn't ever the nicest brother. But he managed and I did too. I remember my dad going to the Council and asking if having Raven travel here was ok. They said it was alright as long as I trained while she was there. So we made it work! Well that's pretty much it."

I looked around and met Raven's eyes. She knew that I wasn't telling them the BIG picture. But I can't let them worry about it.

"But Sam--"

"What Raven? That's it."


I got up and walked to my room. I looked over at the calendar hanging on my wall. Only about 2 weeks until my birthday. I would have to go to Allegrion soon. It's fate you can't change that.

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