Chapter 4

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Ok so I was looking back through this story and I realized that I copied a chapter twice, so here is the actual chapter three! It should clear up any confusion you had, if you had any, sorry again!

I woke up in this new room the titans made for me. My bed was queen sized and it was in the top right corner of the room. The bed had drawers at the bottom that contained all my clothes. In the bottom right corner was a chest. I walked over to it and opened it up. It had different costumes and scripts from plays.

On the other side of the room, that was next to my bed; had a sound system, a keyboard, a microphone, drums, and a base guitar. THATS AMAZING!

In the last corner-that is next to the door-has everything an artist can imagine! It has an artists desk, thousands of colored pencils, different charcoal pencils, shading materials, different paints, markers, crayons, sketch pads, pencil sharpeners, and erasers. But what ties it all together is the blank wall behind the supplies. I can do anything I want with that! This is amazing!

As I finish admiring my room, I get dressed, grab the walkie talkie and put it on my utility belt, then walk to the living room.

When I walk in the room I notice that I'm the last one up.

"Hey Sam! Want some breakfast?" Beastboy said.

"Sure what do you have?"


"Uuuhhh I don't know. I've never been a big fan of tofu..... How about regular eggs?"

"Go ask Robin then." And he walked off.

"Uhh did I do something?"

"No. Beastboy's just a vegetarian." Raven countered.

"Oh ok. So uh I'll just have cereal then."

"Ok. Just go to the cabinet right above the refrigerator." Cyborg said while pointing.

I looked over and just realized that the living room was connected to the kitchen... SWEET! I head over to the fridge and get out milk. Then I stand on my tippy toes to reach the cabinet and open it. When I finally reach the handle and swing it open I see that the cereal is all the way in the back. So I try and climb the refrigerator.

And it works! I finally grab the cereal box and I'm about to hop down when--

"Um Sam what are you doing?" Robin asked.

"AHH--" my hand that was holding onto the refrigerator slipped and I fell and hit my butt on the ground. But I still got the cereal. SUCCESS! Robin lent out a hand and pulled me to my feet.

"I was trying to get something for breakfast! But I just epically failed."

"Not really you got the cereal didn't you?"

"Yeah but I need a bowl."

"Here take this one." Robin handed me a bowel from the dishwasher.

"Thanks." My face got red.

After I sat down everyone came and sat down with me.

"So guys... Uh how did you meet Slade?"

"He wanted to meet us." Raven said.

"What about you?"Robin asked.

"It's a long story."

"Could you tell us?" Asked Cyborg.

"S-s-sure. Ok so--"


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