Chapter 14

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It's been a week since we heard anything from Slade or Derek. It'd been somewhat.... Relaxing in the tower. I was getting bored doing the same thing everyday.

Robin was always in the computer room getting no where on locating Slade or his wannabe assistant. Raven was either in her room hating everything, meditating, or reading. Starfire was either with Silky-her Tamaranian pet worm- or hanging with me while we did "girl talk". Cy and Beasty were always right in front of the flat screen playing who knows what.

I propose: party time.

"HEY GUUUUYYYSSS!" Everyone turned around, except for Robin-he was still in the computer room.


"I propose we have a meeting, now."

"A meeting on what Samantha?" Starfire asked.

"Well I guess you'll just have to find out." I smirked and walked over to the couch. After everyone sat down -again, excluding Robin- I proposed my idea, "Guys, we're going to have a party!"

All of them looked at me with utter shock, obviously not expecting what I just said.

"What kind of party," Starfire asked excitedly.

"Why a party," Raven grumbled.

"Because party pooper," directed towards Raven, " we need to have a little more fun around here. Just because there is no crime doesn't mean we should just sit and do nothing."

"We do do things!" Cy retorted. Beastboy just laughed.

"Do do. Hahaha get it? Do do."

"Beastboy, shut up!" We all shouted.

"Well I was thinking a party that had everyone in it. I haven't met any of the other honorary Titans. Plus if something does happen we'll all be here! More than just the 5 of us! Come ooooon. Peaaaase?" I was practically begging now, okay I was begging.

My eyes locked with Raven's and I was pleading for her to accept.

"Fine. Let's do it. We'll call all the others, you go convice Robin to give this Slade thing up for a night." Everyone's eyes all popped out of their heads.

I jumped up and down and ran to the computer room to find Robin.

He was at the main computer and empty coffee cups were surrounding him.


He turned. There were dark circles underneath his eyes and he didnt look happy at all.

"What Sam?"

"Alright you're Mr. Grinch today. I wanted to see if you could take a break for tonight."

"You know I can't do that. We have to find Slade and Derek and find out what they're up to."

"Come on Robin, just for one night? You've been at this for a week and no one has seen you. Not even me. When was the last time you at something? Robin please, for me? Just this one night. We are inviting all the other Titans to come here and have a party--"

"Since when are we having a party?"

"Since 10 minutes ago."

"No you can't. Cancel it. We have too much to do."

"We already planned everything, well mostly everything. Come on Robin. We've all been cooped up doing the same things over and over for a week. We deserve a break from whatever this is."

"No. Cancel it. Now."

"Since when do you control everything? Doesn't everyone else get a say in what they want? Stop being such a control freak and stop obsessing over Slade for one second!"

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