Chapter 6

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When I woke up in the morning Beastboy was gone. He must've left during the middle of the night. I get clean clothes and head out to look for a bathroom with a shower. When I found one I realized it was right next to the guest bedroom. I went in and took a quick shower. I got changed then head out towards the living room.

I saw that I was the first one up. Which doesn't surprise me since I'm usually always the first one. I look over to the clock and see that it's about 7:00. The sun should start to rise right about now.

I forget the idea of eating and quickly roam around until I find stairs that lead to the rooftop. I walk out and the light is beautiful yet blinding. The sun was just coming out over the ocean. There were some thin feathery clouds that blocked the sun. A mix of red, orange, yellow, and pink filled the sky.

"I see I'm not the only early riser anymore."

I turn around to see Robin. I smile.

"Yeah. I love watching the sun rise in the morning. It's beautiful here." I say.


I glance back at him and his smile fades.

"Robin what's wrong?"

"No its nothing."

"Whenever you're upset it's always about something. So what's up."

"Would you want me to tell you even if it involves someone you care about."

"Yes. Now tell me."

"Well I followed Derek to the bathroom and through the door I could here him talking to someone else. It was Slade."

What? No. He's lying just because he doesn't like him. This can't be true. He was the one who comforted me when Slade attacked my family.

"N-n-no you're lying!"

"Sam I'm not lying."

"Y-yes you are! You've never liked him so you're trying to make it so I don't like him too!"

"Sam that's not what I'm trying to say--"

"No. I don't want to hear anything else. Just. Leave. Me. Alone."

I ran to the door but Robin ran after me. I quickly went through the door and shut it. I felt tears forming. No this couldn't be happening. My closest friend working for that monster. I bumped into someone but didn't care to see who it was.

"Hey what's wrong Sam?"

I look up to see the worried face of Beastboy.

"It's about Derek..." I said barely above a whisper.

"Ok. C'mon I have something that will cheer you up."

"Alright but--"

"Sam!" It was Robin.

"Robin just leave me alone."

"Sam trust me. I never wanted you to be upset. But he is working for Slade!"

I walk away with my arms crossed. But yet again I bump into someone else.

"Robin who are you talking about?" Beastboy asked.


Everyone even myself look up to see Derek.

"Sammy what's wrong?" He asked.

"I-I-I can't explain."

"Of course you can," Derek said while picking me up bridal style," we can talk somewhere OTHER than here.

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