Chapter 8

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"Samantha Odonin Gath. You have risen from the ashes of the past Edana Phoenix. On your 16th birthday there will be a solar eclipse. On that eclipse the Black Hawk Organization shall rise again. You must stop them once and for all. From now on you must think of training and nothing else."

"But sir. She is only a small child right now."


"No sir. We will start her training tomorrow."

"Good. Now go back to your family hut you call a house."

"Yes sir. Thank you sir."

My father took my hand and walked out of the council hall. "C'mon Sam. We need to help your mom cook dinner."

My name is Sam Odonin Gath. I am 5 years old right now. I'm different in my community. When I get mad I burn things but don't know why. Other kids look at me weird at firementry (fire-men-try). I don't know why. The council put me in with an older group of kids. My big brother was in my new group. His name is Kegan. We were close but he sometimes treats me like poop!! I don't like it. Keggy was what I called him but he slapped me. I wanted to cry but momma says that I have to control what I feel. I was gonna tell my daddy but he was busy with the council. Like usual.

*TIMESKIP 4 years later*

Finally! It was the weekend! And today I'm allowed to hang out with my absolute best friend in the whole entire universe! And it's Raven!

*knock knock knock*

I turn to my door but it's wide open so I turn to my window and see that Raven was here! I run to the window and let her in.

"Hey Raven!"

"Hello Sam! Happy birthday!"

"Oh yeah. I forgot it was. To tell you the truth I really don't want it to be my birthday."

"Why? Oh you mean the 'thing' happens every year?"

"Yeah. Every year when the sun sets."

"Oh... Ok."

"Well on a happier note what do you want to do?"

"Wanna do target practice?"


"Bow and arrow? Sword? Knives? Or hand to hand combat?"

"Hmmmm..... How about--"

"Hand to hand combat or knives? Or both?"

"Oh Raven I think you know my answer to this."

"I'm guessing both."

"And this is why you're my best friend!" I smiled and we ran downstairs.

We went through the door and to the back of my hut. I went to the wooden chest and opened it up. In the chest was about 20 flameproof dummies. Then we walked to the desert. It was about mid-day. Maybe 1:00.

"Ready?" She asked.

"Why of course!" I said.

"Alright!" She said as she raised her hands. "Azarath Metrion Zinthos!"

The dummies floated up in mid-air and formed a circle around me. Raven opened her eyes and made the dummies come at me. I created 5 flame knives and threw them one by one each second. Then I create to flame daggers. One for each hand. I levitate then fly towards ten more and slice where someone's stomach would be. I only had 5 left so I made my hands bursts into wild flames. I punched the last five one at a time and when I reached the last one I pulled my arm back then punched it with all my might.

The Edana PhoenixOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora